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george had ignored everyone for the rest of the day yesterday. he just couldn't bring himself to do anything. today though, he decided that he actually needed to do something, and he needed to do it with someone who would cheer him up.

he logged onto minecraft and checked his discord, seeing that quackity was trying to call him. he was hesitant to answer, but if he could count on anyone to cheer him up, it would most definitely be quackity.

"hi. can you lock the call?" george asked as soon as he had answered and was in the voice call. "that way other people can't join."

george was expecting him to say no and leave him alone. quackity's twitch channel said it was active, but it was just his starting soon screen. if quackity was going to be streaming, it meant it was going to be high energy and he probably wanted to hangout with more than one person.

"sure man," quackity's voice was genuine. he wasn't using his amped up-persona-streaming voice. it was just his normal voice, which was a rare thing to hear. "i'm chill to just hangout with you, we can work on el rapids together today if you want. can i ask why though?"

"erm... i just don't feel like talking to anybody today," george confessed. "well i guess you're the exception. i can always count on you to just lighten the mood and make me laugh."

"a genuine compliment from george?" quackity's surprised-stream-voice came through, but he became serious again. "but seriously, did something happen? like you picked me over sapnap or dream. like seriously, me over dream?"

george cringed hearing dream's name, he most definitely did not want to talk to him. yesterday dream had tried texting him a few more times, but he must of realized that george wasn't going to answer because he gave up trying. sapnap, on the other hand, had done nothing wrong. but dream had probably talked to him, and he couldn't deal with a confrontation from sapnap. he also didn't want to hear any jokes about it, and that's what sapnap would do.

"i'm not talking to dream right now," george said flatly. just as he said that, his phone buzzed twice on the table with two text messages from dream. george didn't read them though, just pushed his phone away from himself. "speak of the devil, he's trying to text me."

"you're ignoring his texts? if i had dream's number i would bug him twenty four-seven. so can you tell me what happened?" quackity asked. he seemed genuinely concerned for george, or at least about what happened between them. "if you want to that is. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"so basically i confessed my love for him when he was just doing some stupid thing for a tiktok," george explained briefly. quackity stayed quiet and george continued. "i tried to play it off like i was joking, but he knows me too well. so now i'm ignoring him, i don't want to know what he would say."

"damn," quackity mumbled quietly as if he was talking to himself. "i don't know how to help because i've never had something like this happen to me, but you can always talk to me about shit."

"thanks quackity." it felt good to get that off his chest, actually. george was really grateful for quackity in this moment.

quackity laughed, "you don't have to call me quackity when we're being serious. i'm not quackity right now, i'm alex."

"i forgot your name was alex," george laughed quietly. it felt good to laugh. "i've never really heard anyone call you it. is alex your full name, or is your name like alexander or something?"

"imagine having the name alexander," quackity laughed. "what a dumbass name. no my name is actually alexis, believe it or not."

"wow, you learn something new every day."

"for real. anyways i need to start my stream now, but we can talk after if you need to," quackity offered.

"yeah sure that sounds good," george nodded.

once quackity had started his stream and turned his persona on, george could distance himself from everything going on. quackity was able to distract him from everything going on, and that was good. george spent the next four hours laughing with him. it was a great four hours, they got so much work done on el rapids and everything was coming together. it just so happened that they were the only two from el rapids that were on during the time quackity was live too.

when they were finished and quackity had ended his stream, the two of them hung out in a call. quackity disappeared for a minute to let his cat into his room, so george went onto twitter. people in his mentions were talking about how dream kept dming quackity to let him into the call, and quackity said no once and then just ignored him the rest of the time. when george had first met quackity, he didn't think he would ever be the most trust worthy person. but once he started to get to know
off-stream quackity, he realized how wrong he actually was.

"okay i'm back sorry, tiger wanted to come in really badly."

"no it's alright." george clicked out of twitter, probably for the better. he didn't want to see people theorizing what could possible be going on because quackity wouldn't let dream in the call. "why call your cat tiger though? he doesn't really look like one, like he's not even orange."

"shut your goddamn mouth, tiger is a great name." quackity still had his streaming-voice on, not fully out of his character yet. "did you want to talk about what happened or no? because i told you we could talk if you wanted to, but if you don't that's fine too."

"i just don't know what to do," george sighed. "he's been my closest and best friend forever, and now i just feel like i've fucked it all up. like i'm ignoring him to the point where he dms you on minecraft, while you're streaming and everyone can see, asking to be let in the call with us."

"twitter's going to have a fucking field day with that," quackity muttered. "i told him no like once and he just kept saying other shit so i just ignored it."

"twitter is already having a field day with it, i just looked through my mentions."

"does that stuff ever get to you?" quackity asked. "the fans, or even us sometimes. we make jokes, even dream makes jokes with you and you seem to play along with them, but do they ever get on your nerves?"

"no." george really meant that too, it didn't bother him. he thought the jokes were funny before he even had feelings for dream, why stop seeing them funny now? "i've always laughed at them and found them funny, and i could really care less as to who i get shipped with and stuff like that. i'm sure there's people who ship the two of us or something. wait does that sort of stuff bother you, people shipping you with people i mean? you seem to do it yourself."

"not really. i mean there's obviously some stuff that crosses the line," quackity laughed quietly as if he were remembering something. "but i don't care too much. i mean i've read like fanfiction on my streams but they're always jokes, like some of those things are like well written books."

"what?" george let out a small confused laugh. "okay maybe i can kind of see where you're coming from."

"are you ever going to talk to dream?" quackity asked.

"i'm sure i will, but not about this," george sighed. "i mean i have to because of the smp. but other than all of us roleplaying, i'm not sure. i don't want to talk to him about this because i know what he's going to say."

"what if you don't though?"

"trust me, i know that i do."

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