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"i'm so sorry that what i said got all... misconstrued." dream apologized. "when i said i didn't know what to say i was just surprised because i was just messing around, i didn't expect you to actually say anything like that. i tried texting you to apologize, but i guess you didn't see them."

george had gone back and read every text that dream had sent him. he really wished that he had read them earlier because all of this could have just been avoided. but he was hurt, can you really blame him for wanting to ignore dream? he thought that he didn't like him, and he didn't say anything at first.

"and i am so sorry that i ignored you," george apologized. "that was so shitty of me to do and i was only thinking about myself, not about how you were feeling."

"so are we okay now? i can't go another three weeks without talking to you, that was the worst time of my life."

"yeah we're okay," george assured him. "but what does this mean for us? does this mean that we're..? are we..?"

"what're you trying to say?" george could tell dream had a teasing smile just by his voice. "do you want to be my boyfriend, george?"

"i wish i could see you as you asked me that..." george trailed off, his face hot from blushing.

dream's icon disappeared from the call and george's phone rang on the desk next to him. he picked it up and didn't hesitate to answer dream's call. "george, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"yes." george didn't second-guess himself as he answered, he just wanted to look at dream. his hair was messy like he had been running his fingers through it, and he was blushing pretty badly. "it's weird to see you blush when you act all confident all the time."

"yeah i'm never confident all the time," dream confessed with a smile. "i'm just really good at acting. you aren't though, no offense, but i can always tell how you feel by your voice."

"yeah i know i'm bad at that," george stood up from his desk and pushed his chair in. "okay, i need to go to bed. it's late and i'm not really doing anything productive now."

"you're talking to me," dream whined. "that's very productive if i do say so myself."

"don't get clingy now." george warned as he walked over to his bed and plugged his phone in, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "i need to sleep dummy."

"me? the clingy one?" dream laughed and george rolled his eyes. "please you can't do anything without me. you always need me around, don't lie."

"oh i think you're cutting out... maybe i should end the call... i can't hear anything your saying."

"stop," dream laughed. "please don't hang up. you can go to sleep, but don't hang up please."

"okay i won't," george flicked off his light and settled into his bed, setting his phone up on his nightstand so he could still see dream. "goodnight dream, i'll talk to you in the morning."

"goodnight george," dream was smiling and the blush on his face had gotten darker. "sleep well stupid."

"i love you, dream. i just want to tell you that."

"it's so weird to hear that from you," dream giggled. "but i really like it."

"you better get used to it then, you'll hear it a lot more."

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