Yeet or be Yeeted (Shitpost)

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So basically just The Clot by DustyLynx on AO3 in a nutshell (Oh my god I love Radier and Shino being best friends so much)

(When you're too lazy to even reread your writing to check for mistakes quq)


Radier was sitting on the grass in the middle of a clearing in the forest with Shino right by his side. They were making friendship bracelets for each other in the midst of an unknown crisis, the one Radier was making was maroon red, and the one Shino was making was purple and magenta.

Nightmare was watching from the shadows, his dark form blending in seamlessly among the leaves. He had been trying to capture this insufferable child of 'his' (Biological child, Radier in no way whatsoever considers Nightmare his dad) for what seemed like months! He was getting more irritated and desperate as the days passed.

If there was anything Nightmare was, it was prideful. And yet, he always seemed to get bested by the child in the most disgraceful ways! One of the first attempts, Radier suddenly grabbed him from his hiding spot and hurled him over his shoulder, his face splatting onto the mud underneath them and getting mud in his one working eye socket, enabling him blind for three days straight. Another time, Radier even stole one of Dream's positivity arrows and lobbed it at his face, and damn did that burn.

It was definitely safe to say that he was being degraded by this.. This thing that thinks it can walk the entire dreamscape without worry of whose territory it's on?? He was infuriated. Nightmare swiftly darted towards the two that had their backs turned to him, tendrils poised to grab Radier, (One to Shino for good measure, they always seemed to be together nowadays).

"Shi-" Nightmare was wrapped up in two giant shadow claws almost instantly, binding his tentacles and arms to his sides as he was quickly plucked off the ground in a futile attempt to snag Radier. His tendrils writhed around, seemingly not liking this particular position of vulnerability. Nightmare blinked in confusion as Raider took out a phone out of his pocket, and proceeded to dial a number.

"Location?" a familiar voice answered.

"Aftertale, right on the outskirts of Ebott City."

After a slight pause and the distinct sound of a portal being opened, the voice stated, "I'm in position."

Nightmare was then leaned back, further to the ground but not quite touching it, and suddenly realization hit him and fear began to set in. He was then thrown as hard as he could've been and he screamed as he was chucked towards the direction of Ebott City. It wasn't just any normal scream, though, oh no. It was one of those high pitched girly screams that you can only seem to hear in horror movies. The scream faded into the distance but soon became increasingly louder in the phone. A powerful thump rang out and was closely followed by a muffled screech of "GOD FUNKING DANGIT!!!" A giggle was heard close to the phone as another voice hollard "Whats up my radical broskis?? That was some pretty unfresh language there home slice dawg." "STOP FUNKING CENSORING ME YOU BEACH!!"

"Well thank you for giving me my brother back, I really appreciate you playing with him today though!" Dream thanked, as Nightmare sputtered angrily in the background, most likely glaring at him with all of the negativity in his corrupt apple soul "PL- PLAYING!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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