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Daphne glared at the Beatrice as she danced with Teddy Eaton, they were both flush with the excitement and disgustingly in love if the way they looked at each other was any indication. They had broken so many protocols when they had kissed on the balcony. She wished she could know what was going on but unlike Sam's boyfriend Lord Marshall Davis the guards hadn't let her into the green room or even the hall to the balcony. The guards stone faced had told her she wasn't allowed into the hallway because it was reserved for the members of royal family only, but as they had said that Lord Davis had walked by without anyone objecting. Daphne has wanted to stomp her feet and demand to be allowed in because she was dating the prince, she wore his signet ring. But she knew better and so as nonchalantly as she could she had walked back down the hall.

Now she stood forcing a smile on her face as she looked for Jefferson trying to catch his eye across the dance floor but he was busy talking to Davis and Ethan. Her heart clinched as she saw Ethan standing next to Jefferson laughing like together like old times. After a few weeks Jefferson and Ethan has mended their friendship and now Daphne worries what Ethan might do to push Jefferson away from him after what she had done with Nina. Who was standing by Samantha talking with foreign dignitaries that had come to the coronation. Daphne did not understand why everyone liked Nina so much. Taking in a deep breath Daphne made her way over to Jefferson.

As she approached she noticed a new look in Jefferson's eyes almost like doubt when he smiled at her. "Hi Daphne" he said before returning to his conversation.
"Jefferson would you dance with me?" She asked with her most seductive smile and with almost reluctance Jefferson nodded and offered her his arm. As they walked onto the dance floor Daphne started.
"How is your sister Beatrice?" She asked fishing for some snipbitb on why the newly crowned Queen had invited her fiancé onto the balcony, only family members were allowed that privilege. If she got anything Natasha would be able to publish it in the paper.
"It's Queen Beatrice Daphne, and she's happy," Jefferson said cooly before falling back into a half chipper manner "I think she's going to be a lot happier soon too. Because she and..." he trailed off before shaking his head "never mind, how are you?" He asked changing the subject. Something had gone on Daphne knew storing the bit away to try to coax out later.
"Wonderful now that your here" Daphne said and Jefferson smiled a little before nodding. They danced across the room but Jefferson was uncharacteristically quiet.
"Is something wrong Jefferson?" Daphne asked growing worried over the unusual silence. He looked at her with something sad in his eyes before looking at Daphne.
"It's nothing you need to worry about" he told her before looking away Daphne followed his gaze to but couldn't see who he was looking at.
"What is it like in the green room? I hear it's beautiful but I've never been able to go in when it's being used." Daphne said hoping to maybe get an invitation to go next time the royal family held a ceremony.
"It's a green room, all the furniture and wallpaper and decor it looks like the emerald city" Jefferson said laughing at Daphne's interest.
"I wish I could have seen it today" Daphne said wistfully causing Jefferson to purse his lips.
"Did you do something to anger Beatrice?" Daphne was startled, what did he know? Did Beatrice say something to him. She felt anger crawling up her spine, and then she started to feel panic set in, she knew she shouldn't have done it. Blackmailing Beatrice, she has made an enemy out of someone she would never be able to out maneuver.
"Not that I can think of, why?" She answered hoping her pause didn't make Jefferson think twice, it usually wouldn't but he seemed more aware today.
"Nothing really, I had asked to let you into the green room but, she said you weren't allowed to come but the Marshall came in so, I was just confused" he said shrugging at the end. Daphne field the fear grow but pushed it down, she could handle this , she just needed a plan.

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