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Sam found herself watching Jeff as Daphne talked to Jeff. His eyes weren't bright like they used to be, nor did he look remotely interested in what Daphne was saying. She heard someone sit down beside her and she looked to see Charolette, Teddy's younger sister.
"Is she always that put together?" Charolette asked and Sam couldn't help but laugh. Everyone had just woken up and were in swim clothes or pajamas but Daphne was wearing an elegant sun dress, heels, and has her hair curled and styled.
"It's her thing," Sam shrugged she turned to look at Charolette, she had the same blonde hair and blue eyes as Teddy but her face was scattered with freckles probably from years of long softball practices. "Are you having a good trip?" Sam added are the end. Charolette shrugged,
"It's fun I guess, this place is huge but it feels different" Charolette paused "well I guess it is different, Teddy's not here and the security here is kinda intense" Sam laughed at the last part.
"Yeah, it is, but you should see all the security Beatrice has, she can't go anywhere discreetly with the convoy that follows her."
Charolette nodded in agreement "I think they tone it down when she comes to visit Walthorpe, she and Teddy normally try to stay on the grounds so they don't get tailed and can they can let loose and relax," Charolette said. "One time they drank almost all my grapefruit vodka," she said with a laugh and Sam's eyes widened. She couldn't imagine Beatrice drinking more than a small glass of wine much less vodka.
"Really?" She asked
"Yeah, your sister knows how to let loose when she is alone, she's so different from how she is in public," Charolette said then blanched "don't tell anyone I said that, I think she wanted it to stay quite, because she doesn't want it to get out," Charolette said in whisper. Sam nodded she knew she would take this to the grave, she didn't want it to get out, the media would have a field day Drunk Queen or To much pressure? Sam could imagine the news saying. As they insulted Beatrice's lack of propriety.
"I'm glad she has somewhere to let loose, the palace is very up tight."
"That's what Teddy said," Charolette said taking a sip of her orange juice. Two more blonde heads walked towards Sam and she saw it was Lewis and Livingston who was holding a volleyball in his hands he tossed it at Sam. She caught it before tossing it back.
"Wanna play?" He asked her. Charolette's chair screeched back as she rose and Sam nodded getting up to follow them to the sand volleyball courts.

"I can't believe we lost!" Lewis cried out as he looked down at Sam. "No offense but I thought you weren't going to be able to play, or jump" Sam laughed at his disgruntled look.
"Next time you'll know better, we should play again, maybe if Marshall joins you guys won't lose to us,"
"Hey Beatrice is here!" Sam heard Jeff yell and she looked to see a Suv pull up the back drive that allowed for passengers to get in and out discretely. She was shocked to see Beatrice jump out of the passenger door instead of the back and saw Teddy get out from the drivers side.
"Teddy!" His siblings yelled and ran to go hug him and pulled Beatrice into it too. Sam smiled at Beatrice's startled expression. When the Eaton siblings backed away Sam went to hug her sister.
"I thought you guys were going to hide away for a while" Sam exclaimed "not that I'm not thrilled you're here," she added on. Beatrice nodded.
"We were but then I wanted to go to this zip line park and I thought it would be more fun if we all went, as a family." Beatrice said her face looked a little uncertain at the end.
"That sounds awesome! I'll go get Marshall and Jeff" Beatrice nodded and then turned back to Teddy.
"Should we go ask our parents?" He nodded and took Beatrice's hand as they walked towards the entrance to the interior dinning room. Sam approaches Daphne and Jeff's table where they were sitting in silence.
"Do you want to go zip lining?" She asked and Daphne looked aghast.
"Totally!" Jeff cut in and bounced up Sam smiled at her twins enthusiasm.
"Beatrice and Teddy are coming so we'll be taking several cars so make sure you get in mine," Sam told him before running to look for Marshall.

Marshall was in one of the tea rooms his face scrunched in concentration as he stared at a letter. The script was flowery and even Sam thought it looked difficult to read.
"What's that?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around Marshall's neck. He let out a frustrated sigh,
"a letter from my mother, she always rights her letters like this, she says it will and me read better, but it's just confusing" he said.
"Well I can barley read it, her handwriting is overly flowery, it's beyond reasonable," Sam told him pointing to a letter that has so many swirls she could barley see any actual letters. "You know we should decipher this later, maybe we can make a key too," Sam joked and relief filled her when the creases between Marshall's brows smoothed. " Do you want to go zip lining with Beatrice and Teddy?" Sam asked. Marshall looked up,
"Beatrice, the Queen is going skydiving?" He asked Sam laughed and nodded.
"I know if you told me that two years ago I would have laughed,"
"When are we leaving?"
"As soon as everyone gets in,"

When Sam got to her car she saw it was almost full Jeff had squeezed in by Ethan whole Nina sat behind them Marshall had saved a seat for her so she climbed in next to him.
"Where are the Eatons?" Sam asked Marshall when she got in,
"Beatrice'a car" Marshall said pointing to the car that was about to pull away.
"I'm sorry miss the car is full," Sam turned to see Daphne glaring at one of the guards who was blocking her from getting in the car.
"I can fit," Daphne said her voice grating.
"I'm sorry miss I cannot allow that if you wish we can sit you in the other car or, you can stay here," the security guard said before closing the car door. Sam watched amused as Daphne huffed and walked back towards the house.
"I guess she didn't want to come that much," Marshall said looking out the window as the car pulled away.
"No, she wouldn't get in the car with Beatrice," Sam said quietly. Marshall raised a brow but Sam shook her head. She had promised Beatrice she wouldn't say anything.
"No, she would rather look sulky, but I wouldn't be surprised if the paparazzi shows up at the Zip lining place now" Ethan said which cause Jeff to give him a dirty look. Eat ham shrugged him off and went back to looking out the window.

The high trees of the rainforest looked Majestic and Sam felt even more excited until she saw the line of white news vans and crowd of Paparazzi photographers with big cameras snapping photos of Beatrice and Teddy as they moved deftly through the crowd with the help of security. Marshall cursed under his breath.
"How did they know we were coming here?" He asked looking at Sam and Jeff. "Does your staff have a leak?"
"No," Jeff said meeting his eyes, "we check to make sure every few months, and they cam back clean three day's ago," he deadpanned. When security opened the doors they all got out and found that the park was empty except for their group. Beatrice looked stoic but when Teddy whispered something into her ear she smiled before she turned to say something to him.
"Did the park owner sell us out?" Sam asked as she walked over to Beatrice.
"No, they signed NDA and we also posed through a rich family not a newsworthy family. Someone had to have tipped the media off, it's not staff so if someone we brought on the trip with us, but let's worry about it when we get back I just want to have some fun," Beatrice said before grabbing Teddy's hand and walking to get her harness.

Sam had never felt so free as she flew through the tree tops of the rainforest. With her hands held out she felt like a bird flying through the air. She laughed as she saw Marshall come down his dark skin taking on a pale pallor and his body shaking.
"Do you want to go again Marshmallow?" She asked. He let out a shaky laugh
"No, I don't think I want to go ever again," he said looking up at the zip line like it was a death trap.

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