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                      ~many years ago-
(TW Of smoking and abandonment)

A young ram hybrid sat on a log in the forest. He was around 17 with brown, messy hair. He wore a simple hoodie. He had large hits that wrapped around his ears almost as if they were protecting the soft brown ears. His eyes were the color of marigolds in early spring with a small minus sign through them. His vision was poor, so he didn't notice the other boy approaching him. This was they're hide out place when home was to much for them. They'd play songs and make fires and burn things to ease they're worried and pains. His friends home was stressful with his brother and father. Apparently they would be getting a little one soon. He, himself, was quite stressed at this time Because he had recently learned he was a father, and he was still a minor, not even 18 years old. He had a habit of smoking and at this time he was, he would always ask for a friend to buy them for him since he wasn't allowed to, yet.
"You really need to stop smoking if your going to be having a child around you."
"And you need to get off my ass about it."
His friends shoulders slumped as he sat down next to him. "Common Schlatt. You need to stop, for you boy."
He looked down at the ground and simply nodded. It wasn't good for his health that was true, and he didn't want it to affect his child either. He haven't even met his son yet, but he already cared for him deeply and longed to hold him. "Your right, Wilbur. I really should."
He squished the cigarette agents the log until it went out.
"Schlatt, remember, if you ever need anything my dad has always offered help and I'm here to help if you need it." Wilbur pipped in, he always seemed to be positive, or tried to. Few times has Schlatt seemed that man hopeless.
"I'd rather be on my own, I don't need your pity." He said this rather harshly. He didn't mean it that way though. He did appreciate the offer just preceded doing this in his own. He though help would make him.....weak.
"I'm planning on moving soon. Just, me."
Schlatt was surprised at his but not Shocked. Wilbur has always been a loner.
"Good luck, don't do anything hail worthy."
Wilbur laughed a bit but Schlatt wasn't joking. Wilbur was known for doing illegal things for fun and soon he stopped laughing.
"I do wish you luck though."
"Thank you, Schlatt."
He just gave him a simple nod. The two soon fell to a silence, a homie, claiming silence. Soon Wilbur would be gone and Schlatt all alone. What would he do without Wilbur? Wilbur was his closet friend. In fact, maybe his only friend.

Both soon decided it was time to head home. Schlatt had finally gotten to see his son, Toby, this day but he was also put in charge of him. He gave him the nickname tubbo. It was light and bubbly like his sons attitude seemed to be. His brown hair and ears were soft and fluffy and he has bright blue eyes like his mother. Oh how much Schlatt missed her. His parents knew he had a son and gave him a week to figure it out. Of course he should have and could have went to Philza, Wilbur's father, for help but his consciousness wouldn't allow it. He didn't want to be judged by the man despite him being a quite calm man who probably wouldn't have batted an eye and helped either way.

Soon his week came to an end and he ended up camping in the woods for the first night, he didn't sleep. Not at all. He tried his best to do what he could for Tubbo in these hard times but he always felt like he wasn't doing enough. The thought of him being a bad dad always lingered in his mind and every time he tried to brush it away. Night had drawn near as the sun set and the sky turned pinks and blues and hen blacks with small white and yellow stars dancing in the sky. He hopped he just could be a good father for his son.

- - -

It had been around 3 years since Tubbo was born. They had been bouncing from home to home. Currently they were living in a motel. It hurt Schlatt so much to let them live this way but he couldn't think of any ways to fix it. He was barely taking care of himself to care for Tubbo who seemed to be happy. Every time Tubbo laughed or smiled it cheered him up giving him hope that maybe, hopefully they can make this work. Tubbo loves bees, and he had gotten a bee plush for his birthday that he quickly grew attached to. He would sleep with it every night and refuse to let anyone take it away. Even Schlatt. He didn't know many people other than Schlatt though, only other children who he barely talked to that wanted to take the bee away and adults talking to his father. Adults scared him. They were big and tall and loud. They hurt his ears and when he had to go into town he would hide behind his father. The town scared him with all the loud sounds and big flashy lights. He could already hardly see detail from far away and the lights were so bright it made it hard to see things at night. Schlatt does his best to help Tubbo with these things by getting him earmuffs to hopefully defend the sounds but Tubbo didn't like them much.

Life for them wasn't good, not at all. Schlatt knew he couldn't let them live this way any longer and had made a final decision. He didn't want to give up Tubbo but it was something that was needed to be done. One day he placed Tubbo in a box, wrapped in up in a blanket so he wouldn't get cold, gave him his bee and a pillow. Tubbo had no clue what was happing and as they walked through town he had fallowed asleep. Schlatt felt so bad for doing this but he knew whoever found him would give him a better life. A better one than he could give him. He placed Tubbo down and had placed a bag in the box next to him, a small one with his belongings in it. Before anyone could notice Schlatt he had disappeared. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but it was the best thing he could do, or could at least think of to do to at least hopefully save his son from having a terrible life. He tried his best to not cry. He tried so damn hard. As humans do(or hybrids), when over come with a strong negative emotion, thy cry.

He had zero clue if anyone found him but the next day he was gone. He just hopes someone found him and is catering for him. Being a better father than he could ever be to his son.

Word count :1213
Authors note :
Just some backstory heheh
Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors I'm making this at 2 am

Son like Father (fantasy, tubbo and Schlatt au)Where stories live. Discover now