Chapter 2

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(Slight gore(?) not very descriptive but blood, I can't do gore very well)

When Tubbo woke up his head hurt. Not even hurt. It hurt so much it felt like a splitting pain. He reached up and touched the area that hurt to only feel bumps. Did he hit his head in his sleep?
He tried to stand up, but that made him feel sick. He slowly, very slowly walked down the hall. When he got to the table he laid his head down in his arms and tried to not cry. It hurt so much. It was hard to bare the pain. He felt a hand on his back. He looked up to see who it was with teary eyes and could make out Niki.
"You okay tubs?" She said with concern heavy in her voice.
"No, my head hurts. A lot, and it won't go away."
She patted him on the back. "Is it a headache?"
He shook his head which didn't help and only made it hurt more and make himself feel more sick.
"Hm.. physical pain?" She asked.
He nodded, slowly to not hurt.
"Well rams usually do grow they're horns in around 10 years old or later.." she walked off for a second as Ranboo came or of his room and looked at Tubbo just giving his back pats to try to help (which didn't work well but it's the thought that counts).
She soon came back with a few things, ice cubes, a book, Cotten swabs. He didn't know what half of it was and the pain stopped himself from thinking clearly. "What is all of that for?" Ranboo asked.
"Well, rams grow in they're horns around the age 10 or up. So the pain that Tubs is feeling might be him growing his horns. It's a natural thing that takes time. According to these books we can't do much to help until he ends up passing out... we can't tell how long he'll be out for but we can help the process when he's out by taking care of his horns and making sure that the wounds don't get infected."
"Wounds?" Ranboo asked again.
"Yes, there isn't a place for them to grow now so they have to make room... it will be a quiet bloody process... but I promise to make sure your safe Tubs wile your recovering."
"Thank you Niki."
Tubbo couldn't explain how thankful he was to Niki right now. She was always kind to them and shouldn't have to do this but is.
After breakfast, which Tubbo dreaded but pulled through. He went outside and just laid in the grass trying to ignore the pain by focusing on the cool breeze and the freshness if the air. It was cool and sharp. The cold hurt his lungs a little but that was fine. The grass was a sharp green yet was soft to lay on.

He didn't realize he was out there for a while and tommy had wondered over.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Hey! You shouldn't swear! It's not nice!" Tubbo sat up a little to fast. Making him nauseous from pain and the sudden movement.
"You didn't answer my question." Tommy huffed and crosses his arms.
"I'm relaxing?"
"Because why not?"
"Can I join you?"
"Sure why not!"
They both laid in the grass for a couple of minutes before the pain came back and he felt what he could only describe as a stabbing pain in his head like a knife. He couldn't help the tears from falling from his cheeks. Tommy noticed and tried to calm him down not knowing what was happing and in seconds Tubbo had passed out. Tommy noticed the small bit of blood coming from his head thinking he was hurt. He rushed to the house to knock on the door and explained the problem to Niki. Niki just carefully and calmly took him inside and told tommy to go home.

The next time Tubbo woke up he felt comfy and safe. He realized he was in his own bed. "Oh your awake! Great news! You must be hungry, I'll get you something to eat."
Niki has been sitting in a chair next to his bed before rushing off. What happened? How did he get to his room? He remember being with tommy, the pain, then black. Did he pass out?

Ranboo and Niki came back and gave Tubbo breakfast in bed. It was odd but he had to admit he was hungry. After he finished his food he turned to the two. "How long was I asleep?"
"About 5 days." Ranboo answered. "But you do have some pretty cool horns now!"
"They're cute! You should see them!" Niki noted.

Tubbo slowly stood up to not fall since the last time he sat up it hurt, but this time there was no pain. He went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. They were right. He had a small set of two orange horns. If you thought about it for too long they looked like carrots you stuck to his head. He laughed a bit and once Ranboo asked him what he was laughing about he told him and they both ended up in a lighting fit. Niki has taken the day off to make sure Tubbo was okay and recovered properly. She trusted Ranboo the next day to watch over him and to make sure Tubbo didn't get hurt in any way. Both had gotten into a little bit of trouble though since they broke into the cookie jar, shattering it in the process. Philza, Tommy and techno had dropped by to check up on Tubbo and give them some gifts for Tubbos recovery which included some honey candies and a bee blanket!

To say the least, it might have been a little painful but he was okay in the end! Just like his dad used to say, your going to be okay.

Word count : 997
Next chapter....
I'm tired so good night
I have Trouble focusing on writing so wish me luck. I have up to chapter 6 planned.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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