Chapter 1

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It was so dark. To dark. You couldn't see anything but the ground near you and the lights of the street lamps and what ever was near them. Sometimes cars roared past, hurting his ears. It was all to loud yet to quiet at the same time. It was so terrifying for the child. He huddled up under his blanket, holding close the stuffed animal he had. He was so so cold. He missed his dad. He didn't understand most of the things he said when he left but he could understand 'I love you' and 'you'll be okay'. He would say those things a lot. When he was scared by the loud noises of fireworks and the terrors of nightmares his father was always there to tell him that he would be okay because he would always be with him. But his father was no where to be seen. It was so dark he was scared to peek out from under the red blanket keeping him safe from anything lurking in the dark, waiting to snatch him up. He herd foot steps. He kept hidden though. What was out there? What was coming towards him? Why did they stop?

Tubbo woke up with a small jolt. He was breathing heavily. Just a nightmare, it was just a nightmare. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes trying to adjust to the dim lighting of the morning. He still had that bee plushie from all that time ago, but now he barely remembered anything from when he was small. It had been about 7 years (10 years old now) since he last saw his father. He refuses to get rid of the plush even if it's torn and worn since it's he last thing he has from his real dad. He hopes one day, maybe, he'll find him. Hopefully...

He stumbled down the halls, yawning. He was always groggy in the morning but by the time he'd finished breakfast he would be his normal peppy self. Today was a bit different. He had nightmares, of course, but they have been more and more recent and constant. Why? He wanted to ask the woman who took care of him, a baker named Niki, she was a enderman hybrid and had a younger brother his age. He'd been living with them since he was found and was found when Niki was 18. She decided to leave home to become a baker in a small town and despite her asking him too not fallow him, Ranboo had. He didn't want her to leave so she took him with her. She had always been quite successful and able to support them all. Tubbo would say she is more of a big sister to him than a mother. She was able to joke around but she always had that big sister energy.

While eating breakfast he was clearly a little lost in his own mind so ranboo has decided they would go on a mini adventure to meet the new neighbors. Tubbo went along since there wasn't to much else to do, plus Niki had asked them to give them some pastries on they're visit. They carried the Bastet with many treats in it to the house down the street. It was a small town with trees around. Usually each yard had at least one big tree in their yard. The new neighbors house was quite big. Walked up to the door he took in small details like the yellow flowers hugging the house, the tire swing in the front yard, and that they're house had a green door. Knowing these they probably have kids because tubbo didn't think adults really use tire swings, that someone had a green thumb or to much time in their hands, and someone must really like the color green.
Tubbo was the one to knock on the door since Ranboo wasn't the greatest with people, he could hold a conversation but he would be a little awkward until you got to know him better.

When a man with blond hair and dark, grey blue wings answered he gave them a sweet smile and a wave. "Well hello, what are you two doing here?"
"I'm Tubbo! This is Ranboo!" Ranboo waves to the man "We live up the street and wanted to say hi! Oh- we also have those for you!"
He held up the basket so the man could take it.
"Thank you two very much, you seem like sweet kids. I'm Philza, but you can call me Phil. You know, you two might get along with my sons well."
Tubbo knew it! Though how'd they get that tire swing set up in only a day?
Philza had disappeared with the basket and soon came back. A boy was behind him this time, a blond one with blue eyes. He also seemed to have wings, brown ones like a wren.
"Who are you?"said the boy, eyeing them slightly.
"I'm Tubbo and this is Ranboo!"
The boy looked at them a little longer before speaking. "I'm the amazing Tommy. My brothers aren't as cool as me so don't even bother talking to them. I've decided you are cool enough to talk to me."
Philza just shook his head. "You two should head home before.. whoever takes care of you worried." Did he not want to say parent in fear that they didn't have any? I mean, Ranboo did, he just lives with his sister, Tubbo did, but didn't know where it even who that parent is.

Either way they both walked home and shared with Niki about there Trip. She seemed pleased that they were getting along. Tubbo had forgotten about his dream. Maybe that was for the better.

He got all snuggled up in bed, it was warm and cozy as he drifted to sleep, holding his bee close by.

Everything is gonna be okay.... I'll find him soon... one day..... soon...

Word count : 993

Edit : wilbur is moved out techno hasn't bc he can't be trusted to be able to sleep and needs someone to tell him to sleep. Tommy is a child that Philza found in a tree. Also you'll get to learn more about Schlatt later on in a certain chapter.

Son like Father (fantasy, tubbo and Schlatt au)Where stories live. Discover now