Chapter 8

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You chose to stay in your room and put yourself in the fetal position. Keep it up !

You really didn't know what you could do, these noises scared you so much. You had the feeling that you were a little child scared by everything again. Your fear was so strong you couldn't move out of your bedroom, you were petrified like the Venus Callipyge in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples or the victims of Medusa. All of a sudden you heard a thunderclap scaring you, consequently you went and hid in the farthest corner of your door. You were thinking about your entire life, the choices you made, your errors, your success. Little by little your breathing accelerates until you run out of air, you were having a panic attack. You began to think you were gonna die this night, in a burst of conscience to talk to your loved one, one last time. You searched on your phone for the phone number of your mother and you tried to call her but it was a failure, she didn't take your call. Then you decided to call your father, you searched his phone number. He took the call and you began to cry and said you love your dad. He reassured you and asked you to open the door because he was cold. At this moment you realise the noises came from him who had forgotten his keys. You ran in your stairs to open the door, when he came to your house you hugged him for 5 minutes.

After this night you learned to deal with your fears in a different way thanks to a discussion group. You grew up calmer and pacified by taking an interest in helping others. You became a fireman and saved a lot of people's lives. You succeeded in this story, you became a hero for everyone. 

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