Chapter 10

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You're a twenty-five-year-old single individual called Charly. You're overall a great person. You're kind, loyal, very generous and a hard-worker. We don't see many people like you these days.

You work in an open-plan office in Louisiana in the United States, and you live in an apartment which is located in an infamous neighborhood. Your apartment is really modest, small, and gloomy.

Concerning your neighborhood, there's a big chance that you could be targeted by drugs traffickers. But you insist on living there, because of the cheap rent.

Also, you don't own a gun, because you believe violence is not an option.

Nonetheless it could be useful just in case you were being attacked by one of these traffickers.

At work, your boss is really strict with everybody. Unfortunately, you're oftenly made a target, because you're too nice and devoted to object to the additional work your superior gives you. Obviously, your professional life is really stressing you out. When you get back home, you usually fall asleep right after you close the door, exhausted.

One day, after a terrible day of work, you decide to do online shopping in order to relax a bit. You have the choice between two items:

1. You choose to buy a gun just in case you're targeted by the drugs traffickers. Go to chapter 11 !

2. You choose to buy a book, which could help you to deal with your stress on a day-to-day basis. Go to chapter 12 !

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