New Driver (prologue)

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 Jisoo POV:

"I.Am.Exhausted." I exclaimed crashing onto the limo seat. 

"Aren't we all?" Jennie asked. We were just leaving with a new driver from one of our award shows which lasted for hours. It was our last event since it is christmas in a few days. So we were going home. 

"Are you all ready?" The driver asked. We all said yes and he started driving. 

"What are you all gonna do when we're home?" Lisa asked curiously.

"Play video games obviously" I said straight after she asked.

"I might bake" Jennie also said.

"Me and Rosie are going to cuddle in bed to warm eachother up." Lisa, already snuggling next to Chaeyoung.

"Rosé for you..." Jennie mumble which can clearly be heard by Lisa and me. 

"How come you get to call her that?" she asked crossing her arms.

"Because I can and you can't" Jennie fired back.

"Why are you so possessive, you don't own her" making the older shoot a deadly glare at the maknae.

"I never said I own her"

"Can you guys not start an argument im trying to sleep." Chaeyoung asked them making me agree. They both went silent after.

30 minutes later:

Jisoo POV still:

"Guys" I whispered. 

"Hmn?" Chaeyoung responded. Who only just woke up.

"I think we're going the wrong way" I said.

"What makes you think that?" Jennie asked, butting in.

"Were on the bridge right now and you know we don't normally drive across this"

"Calm down, maybe it's a short cut" She reassured me.
"Whatever" I sighed.

After a few more minutes, the black limo stopped at an unfamiliar building:

"Hey, sorry guys, your manager told me to pick up a package" He said peeking at the window behind him to only meet his eyes with us. 

"What kind of package?" Lisa asked still being her curious self. 

"Uhm.. I think it's a board game he bought from ebay."

"Pffft!...Why does he need a board game?" Jennie asked.

"No idea" The driver answered while unbuckling his seatbelt. " I will be back in seconds" 

10 minutes later:

Jennie POV:

"Im back!" The driver said plopping onto the seat at the back where we are.

"I will be back in 'seconds' " I mimicked what he said 10 minutes ago.

"Oh come on, it was a long line." He defended.

"Anyways, why are you back here?" Jisoo interrupted. 

"To try this out" He said getting up going to the coffee table at the front.

"Im in!" Jisoo said.

"Are you crazy? that's our managers package!" Rosie said. He shrugged and said,

"We need to know if it works first," He started to set up the game. After it was set up, he gave each of us the cards.

"I'm not playing" I said crossing my arms, with the thin card placed on my lap.

"Me neither" Rosie agreed with me.

"Suit yourself" He said and turned to Lisa. " You joining?"

"Obviously!" waddling next to Jisoo who is kneeling by the coffee table.

"I guess I should join" Rosie sighed joining the other 3 at the table.

5 minutes later after convincing Jennie to join:

Jennie POV:

"Oh my go-...FINE!" I said humphing picking up the card. I joined the others because of how annoying they were being. We were all surrounded around the board game looking at our cards which show our character and our abilities on it.

"Where's your card?" Rosie asked.

"I don't have one. I think there's only 4" He said scratching his nape. "I guess I will just watch."

"How do we play?" Jisoo asked. 

"First, you have to place your card in each slot on the board." He said. " Now Lisa, since you have the dice, I think you should roll it anywhere on the game and it should turn on if im correct?" 

Lisa rolled the dice which made the game turn on. The dice then moved by itself to the middle as if it is a magnet or a force pulling it. After a few seconds, the board game made a repeating sound. It sounded like drums being hit really hard. In the middle there was an animation of a whirlpool spinning around. 

"Woah" Lisa exclaimed.  

"What is that noise?" Jisoo asked. The sound got louder and louder. 

"G-guys, what's happening to me?"Rosie asked. We all looked at her and saw her hands disappearing into green smoke. 

"Hubby!" I shouted. I tried to grab onto her but my hands just went through her whole body.

"Wifey!" She sobbed while disappearing into the whirlpool.

"NO!" I started crying. 

"Oh my...." The driver who got us into this in the first place said.

"Oh my what?!" I asked him furiously. "I lost my hubby because of you!" 

"No I mean look at you guys!" He said. We all looked down and realised we were all going through the same thing rosie went through. 

"Oh no, no im too young to die" Lisa said repeatedly.

"And im too old to die!" Jisoo said as well.

And all I saw was black...

Just letting you know, the chapters won't be this short, so don't be expecting to go onto the next chapter after 1 second of reading lol. 

I will try update as soon as possible but there won't be a schedule. I'm quite lazy too but like i said, I will update asap. Have a great day/night y'all. 

A game for real [Blackpink Chaennie+Lisoo]Where stories live. Discover now