7. Ava

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Ava arrived first at the landing place, so she wasn't surprised when Autumn teleported a bit late. She was shocked when she screamed at her face though. Apparently, Ava had been too close for comfort. Rest assured the two started the tour. 

They started with the beach that was in the corner of the valley. It was called Lake Astrus because Cendine liked the way it sounded. "It's a bit weird when you call a beach a lake but you'll get used to it." Ava assured. Even though she repeated the same thing, you'll get used to it, she never felt it. Every new move she learned was like a whole new chapter. "Anyways, you see the pinkish trees over there? Everywhere you see the pink trees are where you can practice your magic. Once you learn a bit from Professor Ardolf, I'll show you what to do." she continued, while spreading her arm in the direction of the trees

As they walked down the stairs on the side of the cliff, Autumn raised a question. "How did they build this place?" she asked. To be completely honest, Ava didn't know. All she knew is that the Divine Twelve had to use 75% of their power to create it. Not much was written about the construction of Witoren in the history books. 

"Not sure. Maybe you can ask Cendine about it later. He personally talks to every new students in the school when they arrive. It's considered a tradition now." Ava answered while walking down towards the volcano. "By the way, whenever you talk to a professor face to face, address them as professor. It's only proper." she continued, as they walked closer to the volcano.

"Uhh, is this volcano active?" Autumn asked in a worried tone. She was shocked that a volcano was inside of school grounds.

"Yeah, but it doesn't explode. All the Firenze students take care of it like a pet." Ava answered with venom in her tone. Realizing her mistake, she tried to fix it. "Well, not all Firenzians are bad, they're all just annoying to Ulitharas. Always lighting a fire whenever one passes by. They always think that they're more powerful." Ava sighed as they walked towards a blue mountain. 

"Oh, well I guess so." Autumn said, unsure of how to reply to that. She didn't exactly agree to it, but she didn't want to offend Ava either. She believed that she had made her first friend in the magical world and didn't want to break the relationship. 

"I know right? Ulithara and Lencile seniors have strooms, but they don't. It's completely absurd." Ava complained, as they walked closer to the blue mountain. "Also, this mountain is called Mt. Hollize. I don't think it's a mountain, considering that it looks like a hill, but whatever." she continued.

Autumn was now more curious than ever. "What are strooms?" she asked, with a confused tone. There were so many new words to learn that it seemed impossible to remember all of them. She figured that once she spent enough time here, she would learn them naturally. 

"Strooms are like pets for Ulitharas and Lenciles. Basically, they're little suns or moons that float around us. They're only achievable once we're in our final year though, which is our 3rd year. They can give you advice and stuff like that. But the most important accessory is probably our bioust." Ava finished with a proud look. Bioust?, Autumn thought.

"What's that?" Autumn asked. She felt stupid for not knowing so many things, and she felt bad for asking so many questions. Basically, she felt horrible that Ava was forced to do this. However, Ava's expression didn't look bothered at all. It looked understanding.

"Bioust is tattoo in Elklesort. Thats our language by the way. We get our bioust when you cast your first official spell in Witoren. You'll get yours today! See mine? It's a sun, since in a Ulithara, but yours will be a lightning bolt." Ava explained with an excited tone. Her bioust was a bright yellow sun with sharp edges poking out from behind, kind of like a star but not so much. "Hmmm, seems like there's still a lot of stuff that you don't understand. That's ok, I'll give you the basic run down of Witoren's system." Ava decided as they started to climb to smooth golden stairs up to the castle. 

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