All My Human Designs 😳😳

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Yeah I made designs for them all 😻😻

And I ACTUALLY did something with it!!!


Okay so to establish

BFb has really good technology sometimes so basically they can make advanced prosthetic arms because object people have less limbs I guess

They don't wear them in water or in their leisure time so it's really only for challenges ❤️

So ignore all my old drawings  where they have arms ❤️

Me making object human lore hashaha dumb

Me making object human lore hashaha dumb

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And I put headcanon ages 😻

Golfball is the oldest

Yet like the shortest I bet haha

Yet like the shortest I bet haha

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Yellow face is scary as hell

But the others...pretty epic 😳

Also puffball can fly

I love like all of their hair

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I love like all of their hair

So epic so grand

Also lightning can fly 😳

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