Chapter 28

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"Miyeon wake up!!" Yumin pulled the sleepy girl up.

The younger rubbed her eyes and looked at the older. As usual she had fallen asleep after 3 and it was 4 in the morning. And she just had one hour to get ready.

After completing her morning routine, she dressed up in blue jeans and a grey checked shirt. Miyeon applied some make up to hide her dark circles.

The three boys were already waiting for her. Yumin and Taeyong were also present there.

"What about Surin unnie, won't she come?" She asked.

"Surin will do her part from here, so that is things go wrong, we are informed faster." Yumin said.

They nodded and went outside to get in the car. Renjun drove the three to their other base.

It was a big house, as big as the previous one. Miyeon followed them inside.

"Miyeon follow me, I'll show you your room." Renjun said.

She followed him to the second floor. He opened a double door and switched on the lights of the room.


"So what are we going to do now?" Miyeon asked as she sat down on couch. The other three boys were also there.

"Eat, I'm hungry." Sungchan said. "I didn't eat anything before coming here."

"I agree. Neither did I." Renjun said.

"But is there any food here. I'm hungry as well." Shotaro said.

"There should, 127 hyungs sometime comes here to stay." Renjun said as he got up and went to the kitchen.

"There is instant ramen!!" Renjun called out from the kitchen.

"Hyung cook us please." Sungchan shouted back from the living room.

Miyeon shook her head seeing the two boys lazily slouch on the couch. She decide to go and help him out.

"Need help?" She asked entering the kitchen.

"Uh.. you can cut the vegetables."

Miyeon grabbed them and started cutting them.


"Okay now let's get started with the plan." Renjun said.

Miyeon got back to her room and started dressing up. She had her hair hung low, covering her shoulders. She wore an off shoulder black dress that came down to her upper thigh, paired with pencil heels. She added diamond earrings with a diamond necklace.

After dressing up the girl started doing her make up. Renjun was also in his room dressing up. Shotaro and Sungchan had already went to the hotel as they were waiters in disguise.

Miyeon walked down to meet Renjun waiting for her along with Chenle who arrived a few minutes ago.

Renjun wore leather pants with a patterned shirt, sleeves rolled up, matching to her dress. His hair was styled at his side exposing his forehead.

"Ready to go?" Renjun asked.

Miyeon nodded and followed the boy out where a fancy car stood. Chenle waved them goodbye as the two drove off to their destination.

On reaching, they parked the car. Renjun took Miyeon's hand and both walked towards the hotel.

Showing their invitation cards the two made their way in.

"Guys ready for the showdown?" They heard Surin's voice from the ear piece.
"Shotaro and Sungchan get to your work. Xi-Miyeon and Renjun look for move to your right. You will see them."

Miyeon ignored Surin's almost lip slip and moved forward the target.

Miyeon ignored Surin's almost lip slip and moved forward the target

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Imagine this as the dress worn by Miyeon.

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