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"Dave, are you sure? I've never even met the guy. What if he doesn't wanna be roommate's with me?" 

"I'm sure it will be fine. I spoke to him and all he wants to do is meet you before you move in. Plus a bonus you can see what the apartment looks like on the inside." 

"What if we don't get along? What if he kicks me out the first chance he gets? What if-"

"Y/N! You're thinking about this too much. Just go see him an talk. It will be fine." 

Said girl let out a sigh before looking out at the apartment complex right outside her car window. Y/n L/n, a girl who's trying to make it in the music business. Y/n has found herself moving back and forth from Kansas and California because of her job. She had finally decided to move closer to her work. San Diego, California is where she would like to stay. It's not exactly where her line of work is but she can't really afford to live in that area at the moment. So, she decided to move in with someone. Right now she was on the phone with one of her close friends, Dave or Boyinaband. She had told him about her moving situation so he wanted to help her out. Y/n met Dave over Instagram. He was surprised when he found out that someone like her was into his type of content. After chatting for a while they became great friends.

"I'm just hella nervous." Y/n spoke as she turned off the ignition no her car and pulled out the keys. She then stepped out of her car and started to walk towards the door.

"I'm sure he'll take some pity in you. Your living in a hotel right now. He wouldn't let a girl like you keep living like that." Dave said.

"Wow that makes me feel way better." Y/n spoke with an eye roll. She let out a sigh before saying bye to her friend and hanging up the phone. She hovered her hand on the doorbell for a while before she pressed it. She waited a while before she heard a lock come undone. Instead of coming face to face with someone she came face to chest. She tilted her head upward to actually see her potential roommates face. To her surprise he had a gentle but intimidating face. 

"Uhm hi! I'm Y/n, the girl Dave told you about." Y/n spoke as she turned a but hot from embarrassment. She was usually a bright and vibrant person. She loved meeting new people but this was a different case. This was a person she could be living with.

"Ohh, right. Uhm, I'm not really good at this whole thing but I'm Corpse. Do you wanna come in and talk?" The man asked as he pointed his thumb inside. Y/n slowly nodded before speaking. She was slightly taken back by the mans deep voice.

"Yeah that would be nice." She answered before Corpse moved aside to let her in. She walked in and noticed it was really clean. She heard the door close behind her then turned around to face Corpse. 

"It's a really nice apartment. Shoes off or?" She asked before stepping anymore into the apartment. 

"Uhm it doesn't really matter. Do you wanna sit?" He asked while gesturing to the living room, 

"Yeah of course!" she said as she followed him to the living room. She took a seat and sat a bit awkwardly along with Corpse.

"So, what do you-" They both spoke at the same time then quickly shut themselves up after hearing each others voice and not wanting to be disrespectful. Y/n let out a giggle as she put her hand over her mouth.

"I'm really sorry." he said as he shook his head with a chuckle. 

"No no! Its ok, I was just going to ask what you do." Y/n stated before leaning a bit forward.

"Oh I'm just a 'faceless' youtuber/streamer. Dave told me you were to right?" he asked as he made direct eye contact with her. 

"Well I'm trying to become a music artist but right now I'm just a youtuber. That's why I moved here. Dave did say something about you being secretive" Y/n explained. She noticed the man slightly shaking before looking up at his face.

"Oh, alright. Where are you from?" He asked politely.

"I'm from Kansas. I know Dave told me you're from here right?" The girl asked. Corpse only nodded his head.

"So, do you have any pets? Because you know they cost extra here so.."

"I do have a pet.. But don't worry! She isn't high maintenance or loud or anything I swear it. I will pay her off completely and still pay off my portion of the rent." Y/n explained. Her pet really wasn't of much high maintenance.  

"No no, if she isn't high maintenance then I'll help out as well. What is she?" Corpse asked again. To his surprise he was talking to this girl without freaking out or anything. He then felt his hands start to sweat. Might've spoke too soon.

"She's an orchid mantis. Don't worry she doesn't eat other living things she eats jungle fruits so no need to worry about other bugs." she said with a smile. Corpse let out a nervous chuckle before answering.

"Well then its alright with me. Can you excuse me for a bit?" He asked before he rushed over to the bathroom. Y/n looked around in confusion before she just sat there and waited. After a few minutes she got a bit worried and decided to stand up and walk around. She heard crying from behind a door and decided to knock.

"Are you alright?" She asked with worry. 

"Y-yeah I'm alright.." He responded. Y/n only opened the door and saw him wiping away tears.  Y/n didn't say anything before smiling up at him then giving him a big bear hug. He didn't waist anytime to wrap his arms around her and cry into her shoulder. Y/n rubbed his back letting him cry on her shoulder. She waited for him to calm down before speaking. 

"You know, we could've met another day if you weren't having a good one today." she explained with a sincere voice.

"I honestly wanted to get it over with today. My anxiety just doesn't let me do anything." Corpse explained while pulling away from Y/n. She looked up at him with a smile. 

"I understand. Not really how you see it but I get it. Maybe I can help you out, help you feel less anxious about things. Now I'm not saying I solve all your problems but I CAN help with rent as well." Y/n spoke with a bright smile. Corpse let out a chuckle before ruffling the short females hair.

"What ever you say Tiny, when are you ready to move in?" he asked before walking out of the bathroom. Y/n followed on his heels.

"First of all I'm fun sized not tiny. Second... I CAN MOVE IN?!"

"Isn't fun sized shorter?"


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