Danger in Fiction (Part 1)

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Summary: Mark is a new Ego and doesn't quite know the danger of people from the woods.

Warning: There are pairings between Egos in this, simply to make the household feel more like a family. The pairings are: Dr. Iplier x Host, Wilford x Dark, and Bim x King.


Mark giggled quietly as he clambered farther up the tree he was in. He'd missed being able to go outside and do things at his Master's house. The Egos didn't mind that he wanted to be outside, Dr. Iplier had even encouraged it, and it was one of Mark's favorite parts of living here now. Along with the lack of beatings.

Down below, hiding in the shadows was a man watching the little Ego climb. A sinister smirk crossed his face as he prepped his pen and notebook.

The more Mark thought about the other Egos, the sadder he got though. Even with the upgrade to his life there were still things that got under his skin. He knew he was more sensitive and dependent than the others. He knew Eric was basically the same Ego as him and Mark knew in a game of favorites he always lost. There wasn't anything about Mark to make the others like him though they were still polite to him for the most part. He craved more though. His hybrid heart wanted so badly to have pets from them and soft words and to be close to them. Unfortunately, this wasn't a house of close people.

Lately, though, Mark had been worried he'd done something to make the others upset. Everyone was on edge and when he'd asked about it he'd been told to go away or not worry about it. Mark figured he was in trouble for something so obvious that the others were mad that he couldn't name it. Even King, who usually put up with him, was snappier and mostly stuck around the other Egos. Mark hated feeling so stupid and unwanted but no one would tell him what he'd done or what was going on, so he'd been trying to stay out of everyone's way which meant shutting himself up in his room or going outside. King didn't even go outside much anymore.

Mark was startled from his thoughts as the branch he was sitting on suddenly began to crack. With a yelp, Mark jumped to another limb, paws scrapping against the trunk as the branch gave way below. Mark scrambled to get on the limb he clung to, breath heavy from the scare. Maybe he shouldn't climb this tree if the branches were falling that easily. He made his way down and breathed a little easier once something solid was under his paws. Of course that didn't stop him from looking for a new tree to climb.

"Hey there Mark," a voice startled Mark from the trees. He whirled around, backing up to hide behind a nearby trunk as a man with a familiar face appeared out of the shadows. Mark brightned as he realized who it was. The Author was an Ego who didn't live with the others, though he wouldn't tell Mark why. A week after he'd been created, Mark had been playing outside when the Author had appeared from the trees and introduced himself. For the next few weeks, Mark would go outside almost everyday to see him. The Author was so nice with his pets and nice words and sympathizing with Mark the rare times Mark told him how the other Egos made him feel.

"Author! Hi, I missed you!" Mark's voice did nothing to contain his joy.

Author gasped, "I missed you too buddy." Author closed the space between them and cupped Mark's cheeks in gentle calloused hands. Mark jumped at the movement but sank into the warm touch as Author rubbed his thumbs over his cheeks. The one thing to always make him melt was repetitive soothing touches. "You look stressed Mark. Here let me see what these ears can do."

A purr thrummed to life in Mark's throat as the hands moved to his ears and hair, stroking fingers through his soft fur. None of the others ever pet him, but Author was always willing to. "Aw look at that. You're falling into my arms. Are you sleepy kitten? Do you wanna take a nap?" Author caught the hybrid in his arms and guided them both to the ground where Mark ended up laying half in his lap, eyes closed and body completely limp while he purred quietly. The grin on Author's face was wicked as he pulled three black bands from his back pocket.

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