Chapter 12

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Lots of skipping parts in this chapter, so maybe refresh yourself on how Season 1 ended. Due to changes in previous chapters, the Murphy in this story is different than the one in the TV show, so his return isn't accompanied with revenge.

They didn't get a break to mourn, not on the Ground.

They'd returned from the crash site, nearly empty handed, to find John Murphy. Bellamy wanted to kill him, follow through on his promise from the week before. Clarke stopped him, looking at Murphy's weakened form. He had knowledge on the Grounders, they'd keep him alive and clean him up, then send him out again.

That was until Clarke had cried blood, Drake had puked it, and Connor had sneezed it. Bellamy had been hard to contain when he'd walked in and seen Clarke next to Murphy with blood on her face. She'd ordered him out to stay away from the sickness.

He hadn't been thrilled, and he'd been even angrier when she told him she'd sent his sister to Lincoln to bring back a cure. But that argument had been interrupted by the camp revealing itself to be infected by Murphy's disease. Clarke had calmed the people down, right before she'd collapsed into Bellamy's arms. Before she could convince him to put her down and not catch something, Octavia had returned.

With news that there was no cure, and a battle was coming for them at dawn.

Bellamy had to put her down at that point, handing her to Murphy and Octavia while he handled preparations for battle. Inside the dropship, Clarke was worse, but with Murphy's recovery and Octavia immunity, she was able to delegate tasks to help her patients from a cot.

Then Bellamy had gotten sick, meaning both leaders were out of commission. Though she had a lot of patients to tend to, and Octavia and Murphy were exhausted, Clarke stayed by Bellamy's side most of the night.

They worried about Jasper, Finn, and Raven with the bomb at the bridge. Worried about the battle to come and how they were going to keep their people alive.

By morning, both leaders were healthy enough to make the decision of getting everyone into the dropship, even those not sick, to protect them from the Grounder's battle. They were in the process of doing so when the bridge blew.

"They did it."

Again, Clarke looked up at the mushroom cloud in the sky. This time, it meant Grounders were dead, last time, it meant her mother was.

"I am become death, destroyer of worlds."

Bellamy rolled his eyes at her. "Oppenheimer, really, Princess?"


When Bellamy returned from the hunting party, he went in search of Clarke to check how much food she and Finn had gathered. She hadn't been in camp. Bellamy tried not to worry. Clarke was fine, and Spacewalker cared for her, he would protect her when Bellamy couldn't. Which turned out was a problem, when Bellamy returned to his tent to find Raven.

"What are you doing in here?"

"They don't waste time, I'll give them that. What's it been? A day and half since I broke things off with Finn, and they're already off in the woods together?"

Bellamy crossed his arms. He didn't mind Raven; thought she was wicked smart and had been the least annoying person in camp. Up until she came to his tent to vent about her ex-boyfriend.

"You've mistaken me for someone who cares. Move on."

He took off his jacket and waited for her to leave his tent, eager to go to sleep and stop thinking about Clarke in the woods. They had a battle approaching, and Spacewalker thought now was a good time to woo her?

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