Lin and I

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"Lin!!! Wait up!" I shouted running towards Lin who stole my bike. I just finished my last exams for high school and he was supposed to bring me home but instead, he stole my bike.

"Lin!!!!!" I shouted once again, he heard it but he keeps on pedaling, laughing his ass out, sometimes I really hate him

"Keep on running so you can lose weight!" He said while laughing.

"I'll tell Jisung-hyung about this I swear!" He looked back at me and stick out his tongue. I screamed once again. After a few screaming, a few people looking at us and he finally stop.

*panting* "you-" "why-"

"Okay, okay sit at my back and hold me tightly, Seongwu-hyung might be mad at us if we come home late"

I sat at the back of the bike as he said, I held his lower hips tightly as I rest my head on his shoulders.

"I missed this"

"What?" I asked but he didn't answer.

~ a few minutes later ~

"We are here"

"Wait but why was the ride fast-" I lifted my head, got out of the bike, and wandered for a while, and realized instead of being at their dorms we were at a beach.

"Uhm, Lin?", I looked around and he was standing behind me holding my favorite flower, white roses with no thorns.

"Lin?" He was just standing there, his eyes and lips widely smiling at me.

There are a bunch of people already staring at us. It's only been 3 months since Wanna•One debuted but their fans are already way over the top. I've been with them since their pre-debut era, supporting them non-stop. I am not a wannable nor a lover of them, I am Jisung-hyung's little sister that's why the entertainment agreed that I can live with them besides they need someone to cook and clean the dorm when they are busy.

"Yan Lee Hi" he started to walk towards me. People are shocked and crying (mostly wannables) people are taking photos and videos. I hate it but I love it. Among all members, Lin, Jihoon, and I are the closest, we always talk together and go out together.

"I love you", wild thoughts are running through my head. This can't be real right? this is just a dream? Is this real? It can't be. I love him too but we all know we can't. I need to make a move, I need to stop him, although it hurts, to love someone that is not allowed to love you.

Things went by fast, the next thing I know we are back at my school.

"Lai", I softly said, he looked at me with his worried eyes, he knows I'm serious when I call them by their first name.

"Yeah?", speaking little by little trying not to let his guard down

"You know this is not allowed right?", he looked at me

"But you love me?"

"Yes! But. . . once you guys. . . di-"

"Say it"

"Once you guys disband. . . I can't handle it, we are not allowed to see each other anymore, if we can't see each other anymore in the future we might as well not date", it's hard to say but I  spitted it all out, I stared on my feet but Lin's hand lifted my chin, we are only a few centimeters away and I can feel his soft breath

"don't worry, we will still meet when the spring breeze passes", his words made me somehow trust him, his words made me feel safe in his arms, his words made me trust him. I sat at my table while waiting for Lin. He came back holding two banana milk, my favorite. I poked the straw at the milk and sipped. 

"Banana milk is forever my favorite"

"You are my forever favorite",  I looked at him and made a disgusted face

"You're so cheesy, ew" I hit him hard and he just laughed. I will miss this.

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