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 It's around 10 o'clock already when we got to the dorms. I opened the door very slightly trying not to make any noise. I opened it and guess what,

"Ah! Jisung-hyung", his face greeted us, and at his back are the other members. Lin and I hoped that their manager wasn't there yet because we know the actions that we made, have consequences.

"Ahhh hyung" Lin came forward and opened the door a little bit more.

"Lai Kuanlin, Yan Lee Hi"

"Yes?" we both replied at the same time, Jisung-hyung looks really serious.

"CONGRATS!" they shouted loud and made way for the both of us, am I dreaming?? Lin held my hand and we both went inside. We just sat on the sofa like always and the other members bought food. We're just trying to understand what happened...

"This is not normal" I spoke, Lin nodded with me

"They must've been abducted or something"

"Yeah, yup totally agree"

"We are back!" They are holding a big plastic full of chips, drinks, and groceries. They set up the table and we all sat, it was just pure silence. A silence that is killing me for a reason.

"I'm sorry hyungs" Lin spoked, I just looked down because I know that they are disappointed in us. I know that Jisung-hyung is somehow angry at me, he always been strict about me and makes a fuss about the littlest things, actually all of them treats me like their younger sister.

"How long have you been wanting to tell her this?" Seongwu-hyung spoked, I was really trembling because they never been THIS serious before.

"Sorry hyungs" I was about to tear up but Hoonie gave me his handkerchief. Jihoon-hyung is like not my hyung, he treats me like his best friend and that's why the three of us always get together because he treats his younger members like his best friend. 

"Thank you" I whispered 

 "Don't say sorry, i just now realized that Lee Hi is now a grown-up" Jisung-hyun smiled at the both of us. I'm so happy knowing that he finally accepted that i can make my own decisions already.  

"Well. . . We are happy for the both of you. We are very very happy, let's eat shall we?"

 "YES!" We shouted and dug into the food. I liked this, just us, eating and laughing. . . Having no worries. After having fun. But not every time happiness wins... Someone suddenly opened the door and came in. It's their manager. He looked at us, looking down. He excused us and we went to the dining table while the others are in the living room. 

 "Why." That word made Lin tear up already... 

 "You know the consequences right? Not only for you Lin but also for Lee Hi", I tried not to tear but i can't help it and tears started falling. 

 "Sorry" Lin choked, 

 "Don't", that one word, that one word made me feel like there is still hope, that one drop of hope falling from heaven. We both looked up waiting for his next sentence 

 "We got the articles ready, instead of saying your dating rumor, we changed it and made it official. You already know the consequences. For Lin, you'll have scandals if you ever make contact with female artists, your fans will be mad but at the same time, some fans will support you. For Lee Hi, people will talk about you, will talk about all of your mistakes, and they will dig up on your history and make rumors out of it. There are so many possibilities that might happen. . . Lastly. . "

 He stopped, we both expected what he'll say next... 

 "When Wanna One disbands. . . Lin you have three choices... One, leave music behind and be with Lee Hi. Two, break up with her and continue your music. And three... leave everything behind and continue with your life, it depends on you whatever you want to do with your life" 

It's already the day where we all avoided, not only us but wannables too. Its the day before the last day of the concert. . . and the hotel room is dead silent. We are all at Jisung-hyungs bed sitting in a circle. We are all looking down. I was sitting beside Lin and we are holding each other's hand. No one was speaking, everyone was holding their breaths. 

 "Sorry" Jisung-hyung started, with that one-word tears start flowing through our eyes. 

 "Why are you sorry there is nothing wrong you did" Seongwu-hyung said softly while tearing. 

"I didn't know that it'll hurt like this" Daewhi-hyung said, he is the only one that is not bursting into tears. 

"I will miss you all..." Daniel-hyung said

 "Hyungs. Let's not cry please, let's just enjoy this last day with each other, and let's enjoy the last stage tomorrow." Lin spoke up. We wiped our tears and smiled.

The Last GoodbyeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang