Ch-1 | Her Well-Wisher

188 41 95

". . . little did I know the alpha and omega of what awaits me, but now's the high time to be on the ball, I reckon. For all I now know, life's indeed, 'a bed of thorns', and you're someone I want to be with, to bear the burnt of the worst . . . In brief, meet me at the concourse asap. Bye!"

Whenever she had drawn a bead on being too formal with words, he knew that she was just within an ace of driving nuts, which was kind of wacky for him. He banged the door shut and walked out of his room above board, with a rather mystified and nervous look on his face. 

"Hey, dude where you going?"

"Nowhere just, umm-"

"Oh yeah, got it. She called, right?"

"Charlie, please!" he quickly said. "I'm in a hurry."

He walked faster ignoring Charlie's annoying smirk. He got out of the hostel, and proceeded towards the school's auditorium.

* * * * *

She was waiting for him. If there was anyone, for whom she had waited, it was only him. She saw him coming from a distance and could make out he was a bit anxious and intrigued. As he approached closer and closer, she felt more and more relieved. When he reached, she showed him a piece of paper that was almost crinkled.


I know you are Silena and Robert Mariel's daughter. I am your mom's one of the cousins, who seeks your help in peace. I've kept patience and given you more than enough time to decide. Obey me, help me, and you have your everything and your everyone preserved. Dare to disobey me, deny to my request and I bet you won't see your precious boyfriend, mom, dad, and your two-year-old sister, Elena, ever again. You have now 24 hours starting from today at 10:00 PM. You have already tested my patience and this is your last chance. Come to the address mentioned before if you want to see your loved ones the day after tomorrow.

Your well-wisher

Bill Mander

He looked up at her sea-green eyes, with his wide eyes full of confusion and mystification. She nodded and tears trickled down her flushed cheeks.

"I know, I don't want to believe it, either. I know, I'm going to lose everyone I love if I deny this devil person help in his dark deeds." She spoke in a low voice, hiding a lot of pain.

He grabbed her cold, shaking hands and looked into her flushed face. Holding her hands tightly, trying to reassure her, he shook his head slightly, and tried to give her a confident look. He wanted to let her know that everything will be fine. He was always like that; never lost hope, looked at the bright side and always believed that bad things will vanish.

"I can't do this," she said with a shaking voice. "I know, I have to, but this is going to ruin everyone. I can't afford to hurt other's, at all!" Tears started to form up again in her beautiful sea-green eyes. "Need to do something. Otherwise-" her voice faltered.

"Calm down, dear. I have full faith on you. Don't lose hope and all we can do now is to plan what to do next." He said as he gripped onto her hand again.

Very calming indeed, she thought. A hoarse voice but overflowing with care and affection. If she had been without him, she could barely think what could have happened to her. She must have freaked out so much and would have gone completely wild. She was more than thankful to have him in her life, to have him be there with her in all of her darkest and toughest moments. Though her whole life had been way too difficult. She was glad, he was there at all times.

"You know, actually this is not the first time I'm getting this kind of warning. I am nervous and afraid. I thought it should be just nothing. They had been stalking me ever since before the last three weeks when I arrived here, at this fucked up boarding school. You know what? I told Mom that it wasn't going to be fine. Something was there that signaled me to be aware. But I was not sure-" her voice broke and she started sobbing, hiding her stunning, flushed, sad and worried face with her hands.

He drew his arm around her shoulder and back, and pushed her closer to comfort her. She leaned forward and put her head against his muscular shoulder. "I know you very well. You are not at all like other girls I have seen here. You are unique and brave; you have a lot of wisdom and a great presence of mind. You are as intelligent as you are beautiful." He said in a low soothing voice.

She remembered a time way back, when she was only 13 years- she was wandering around the corners of the playground absent-mindedly. That was the first time she had met him. All the kids were playing football, but she preferred not to go with the crowd. She kind of loved being alone.

While she was wandering, she heard someone calling her from the back, when she heard that voice, she felt her chest being heavy. She turned and saw a guy jogging towards her. His straight black shining hair jumping up and down in a way that was very impossible to ignore, and those golden Brown eyes freezing everything in midway, on which they looked. He was so stunning that she couldn't help admiring him.

* * * * 

'Hey, could you pass me the ball, please?' he had said. She was tongue tide, but she took the ball and slowly paced towards him, locking her eyes with his. "Oh! Um, thanks!"  he said as he was taking the football from her. He forwarded his other hand, "Your good name?"  he said in a warm, soft tone.

She slowly brought her hand towards his hands. She touched his palm with her elegant fingers and then held it affectionately. "Hi! I'm Evelyn Mariel"  and she beamed a cute, lovely smile.

"You are pretty. I'm Ryan Walker"  he said. Taller than her a bit; lean and muscular. He was perfect with a breathtaking expression. She thought, but part of her was nervous because no one used to like her at all. Not because she smelled bad or had an obnoxious face or when she talked, she sounded like a ghost or a reeting rodent. But there was something strange with her. Everyone at the boarding school was kind of scared or cautious of her.

But maybe he was new, maybe he didn't know, maybe they could even become friends.

Evelyn had realized that Ryan was caught in her eyes and she thought of trying out her luck for the first time. Ryan's shoulders tensed when Evelyn moved closer to him, "You okay?"

"Huh?" he said with a jerk. "Yeah, I'm alright. By the way, would you like to have a walk?"

Well, great! Five minutes and everything fine. She thought that god had shown some mercy over her this time. And they went for a walk alone for the first time, second time, third time. And that is how they started. The last three years had been the best in her entire life till now. But only since the last month, that she had been troubled and was in great distress in gloom.

* * * * * 

"I would always remain grateful to you, Ryan. You're the only one who understood me. I wish if I could explain my gratitude in words. But I want to know if you'd like to come along. I don't wish to risk your life, but you know I want you really badly. And I swear it on my life to protect you."

She forced out the last three lines. Then she slowly pushed away from him; stood straight and helped him to his feet. "Oh, Evelyn! Why in the world you think that? I'm always there with you and for you! And I would definitely come along. In fact, I'm never going to leave you. I don't care about me but thanks a ton and how sweet of you!! All I know is that I love you and we are never going to be apart." he said sweetly.

And Evelyn had unshed tears in her eyes. They affectionately hug for the first time under the beautiful moonlit night sky, with many stars twinkling so high up there. Maybe the time around 10:30 in the night is the best to be with one's boyfriend outside. Since the sky looks so beautiful and also the ambience seems perfect, she thought.

* * * * *

What do you think of Evelyn and Ryan?

And what about Charlie? 

Do you think Mr. Mander will really hurt Evelyn's family, despite the fact that her family is also his family in a way?  Or is he just kidding?

Do share your views/suggestions/thoughts and your feedback is highly appreciated! 

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Thanks  :)

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