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Being an introvert, I was used to being adopted by extroverts. 
They were all so outgoing and extroverted that I had gotten used to being out and about with them and dragged along for whatever activities they had decided to dabble in. Emily wasn't necessarily an extrovert, though she did enjoy going out and about occasionally and she made friends with strangers wherever we went. 

Amelia on the other hand. 
Holy hell. 

She dragged me everywhere all the time, and I let her. 
For four months, she begged and pleaded for me to join her in her activities, and I would always somehow cave. 
One of which was a spoken poetry night at an open mic night. She told me to pick a topic for her to speak about, obviously being the smartass I am, I picked doughnuts. 

I laughed so hard as she stood up on stage giving a spoken word piece about doughnuts as she blushed and tried to be as serious as possible. 

I was happy to have a new friend, she kept me occupied mentally and physically. She even invited me over to paint with her, we drank a bunch of soju and made these drunk portraits that she hung in her house and they make us laugh every time we look at them. 

I was finally feeling better, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was happier, healthier, and I felt like I was finally living up to my promises that I had made to Emily. 

That doesn't mean I didn't struggle, or have bad days. But I could go a few days without reliving the hell we went through, the bad days, the even worse nights, the hospitals, the pills, our last things we did together. 
I managed to go weeks only thinking about the happy moments, the life we lived together before the cancer became the only thing either of us knew. 

My house didn't feel like a jail cell anymore. 

I didn't feel tormented anymore. 

The new freedom I had found sent a different type of panic through my body but every time I faltered someone was there to catch me. 
I had all of them in my corner, and they all made sure I was taken care of, it felt weird to be on the receiving end when I had spent so much time being the one to take care of someone else. 

Four months of hanging out with Amelia, I got used to her schedule. Needless to say when she didn't show up to my class, I was worried. 

I texted her on my lunch break but she didn't respond. 

On my drive home I noticed her car in her driveway, I texted her again. 

The next day, she didn't come. 

"Hey, is Amelia okay? She didn't come to class yesterday or today. She was excited to finish her piece..but if she doesn't finish it tomorrow it's going to hit her grade pretty hard" Tae said as he sat across from me with his lunch 
"I have no idea" I shook my head "it's weird, she didn't answer my texts either" 
"I hope she's okay" 
"Me too" I nibbled my bottom lip 

On my drive home her car was still in her driveway, I texted her, I called her, and I finally made my way into my house. 

After I ate, showered, and changed, I laid in my bed and looked at the photo of Emily
"What should I do baby?" I asked her knowing I wouldn't get a response, I could hear her voice in my head though 

"Make sure she's okay, she's your friend and she would do the same for you" 

"I will, good night my love" 

I woke up earlier than I needed to and called her again, she didn't answer

"Okay, fuck this" I got out of bed still in my pajamas, slid my slippers on and marched my way to her house, I knocked and knocked and she didn't answer. 

The Art of Moving On ♡  Yoongi ff Where stories live. Discover now