1- The Note

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Okay. Just so you're all clear, this is just a re-write of My Life Before. All it is is My Life Before but longer and with extra... stuff added. I like to think that this version is better but, I don't know. Please leave a comment telling me your thoughts. If you really want to, read the original (and shorter) version and compare them. It's just that I SUCK at long chapters so I usually end up adding random stuff to draw out the process. Even though the chapters are longer and more stuff is added, the main storyline is exactly the same. Hope you enjoy. :)


I hastily wiped off the sweat that continued to bead on my forehead. Almost instantly, I felt more beginning to form. I rubbed my moist hands on my shirt, drying them. DAMN IT, Mr. Theed! Tell me the results already!

Today is the day when I find out whether I pass or fail grade 10 sports. I either pass brilliantly (or averagely) or fail dramatically. Sport is my only subject where it is a complete gamble whether I pass or not. I hate sports.

If you haven't already guessed, I am a complete Nerd. And like my fellow Nerds, I am completely unco-ordinated when it comes to sport. If I was ever to get better than a C, I'd be completely happy. I hate sports and it shows through with my grade. Throughout grade 1 to grade 9, I would be extremely lucky to get a B, most of the time I average about a C. I'm good at the theory work, because it's all facts and data but I suck at the application of said theory. Sport is boring, hard work and strenuous. When I finish grade 10, I will cry with joy, because sport isn't compulsory for my senior years. Then I can concentrate on the subjects I enjoy: Maths, English, Chemistry, Physics, History and Japanese. I will no longer have to stress about having to pour sweat in sport.

Of course, despite what you might think, I am not a goody-two-shoes. For one thing, I have this strange inability to string a sentence together in the presence of a guy. Not to mention I have completely lifeless and plain brown hair which is impossible to style. I also have about a dozen pimples and like three dozen blackheads on my face at any one time, and it isn't acne. My eyes are also framed by these old-fashioned thick-rimmed glasses that look like they belonged to my grandfather's grandfather. If you have any solutions to any of these problems that I may not have tried already (and I've tried almost everything) please let me know.

If I could somehow hurdle these complications in my life, then I would be ranked in among the top supermodels of the world. No, I'd be number one, because I'd be perfect. Unfortunately, no one in the known universe could be perfect, although it is safe to say that some people get extremely close to absolute perfection.

Take my best friend, Maddison Lambert, for example. With perfect blonde hair, dazzlingly bright blue eyes, flawless face and glistening straight white teeth, she is the Queen Bee of the school. Unlike me with my giant glasses, plain brown hair, dull brown eyes, sever non-acne pimples and braces. Compared to me, Maddi is perfection in the flesh. Let's not even get me started with her top-class-hottie boyfriend, Dylan Nelson.

Okay, let's get started. Dylan has gorgeous emerald green eyes, awesomely styled brown hair (unlike mine), broad shoulders and, Maddi tells me, an actual six pack. He also has a killer smile that makes every single girl, single or taken, swoon with lust. Needless to say, Maddi is definitely not a virgin. She lost that within the first two months of them dating, and they've been dating for about two years now. Of course, everyone else besides Maddi knows that Dylan is a total player. There is no doubt that Dylan has cheated on Maddi on more than one occasion. Maddi just hasn't found out yet. It is only a matter of time and many people have actually placed bets as to when Maddi does find out and dump Dylan once and for all.

Dylan is such a player that he has been the one to take almost every girl's virginity within their first two years of high school. Everyone except the Nerds, although he is now starting with them, and I am keeping an eye out. Of course, it's not that hard for him to do that. With that body, who wouldn't want to sleep with him? Even I would.

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