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"Can't help that I'm in love, a day with out you is like a year without rain" - Selena Gomez ( Year Without Rain )


What would you do if a guy asked you out on text?

How would you react? What would you say?
What would possibly be going through your mind at that very moment?
Would you cry? Would you jump out of joy???
Would you throw something because your angry???
Would your face twist up in disgust? ( Yuck! )
Tap/chose/select/pick/click one of the answers down below!
Make sure to read the answers clearly and properly first!
And PLEASE remember your letter you picked!

A: Uh duh, I would scream and jump for joy!! Like who wouldn't?!! Then text him " Ya sure".

B: I would start crying. I'd be so scared of what to say!!!! I just wouldn't answer him.

C: I would say ewww no!! Who would ever want to date that guy. Like wtf!!!

D: I would text him I'll think about it. Just to make him have to suffer waiting. Then I'd laugh like a crazy cat lady. (A/N: I would totally do this!!! But maybe not laugh like a crazy cat lady!!Aha lol) :)

E: I don't even know!
Why are you asking me!?


Please comment your pick.

A/N : If it was up to me, I would waste no time going with (D). Because I like to tease people. I'd have lots of fun!
And I would want to make sure he knows what he's doing. :)

- Kisses,

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