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As soon as you utter those two words the whole atmosphere of the room changes.

Chan looks you up and down and licks his lips before he fully turns to face you.

He doesn't say anything when he is walking to you and you are slightly regretting saying something.

"Chan...I...I was kidding...."

He pauses in his approach and watches you carefully. He seems to sense your feelings. How you actually want him to make you.

His demeanor has dramatically changed and he smirks slightly. He began to slowly approach you again. You take a step back when you are in his reach.

"I...I have a hurt ankle. I can't run from you." You say hoping to discourage him.

"I know. That's why I told you to sit down." He is now infront of you.

"I'll sit down, okay?" You look away from him, his gaze making your cheeks hot. Your ears burn red aswell.

He puts his finger under your chin, just like he did just a few weeks ago, lifting your face to look at him. But this time, he slides his hand to cup your jaw.

When you realize what he is doing, his lips are already inches from yours.

"Chan...wait." Your vocie is small in protest but he still pauses. He wouldnt force you into this.

You turn your head away from him looking down at the ground.

"Don't do this just because Felix told you to or something. I know you like someone else so please dont lead me on."

---------------------Chan's POV--------------------

I pause, staring at Y/n. She thinks I like someone else. This is what Felix was talking about. Y/n likes me. She doesn't realize that I feel the same way.

"Y/n. I don't." I sigh, taking my hand off her face and setting it on her shoulder. "I don't like someone else. I like you."

Y/n looks up at me in shock. It made me sad to see that reaction to my confession. She seemed as if she  hadn't thought she would ever hear those words from me.

"...I...but I thought."

I smile softly, looking into her beautiful eyes.

"Well you thought wrong."

I want to kiss her so bad. But I don't think now is the time. Not yet.

"Y/n, will you come with me on a date?"

---------------------Your POV-----------------------

Chan's eyes are shining like the north star. You can't help but smile. You put your hand over your mouth, trying not to cry out in excitement.

"Of course I will! Chan this is a dream!" You wrapp your arms around his neck.

Chan just asked you out. You were expecting a kiss, but a date is better than nothing.

Chan's hands come around your waist and he pulls you close to him. You can feel his heart beating and you smile into his shoulder. Chan's taking you out on a date! You have to tell Felix! You have to tell Hannah!

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