Break 7

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• They started winning, because i started giving up •

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It was just a small trip to the hospital. After all, I can't miss my school tomorrow. Although I don't completely feel good, I don't say a thing. I know I can't.

I go straight to my room and fall on my bed.

Now then.

I need to get an anti scar cream. This scandal might repeat itself and I don't think this excuse is going to work forever.

I hear a knock on my door and jump back. It's Dev.

I sigh out in relief.

“How have you been doing?”, he asked me, quite worriedly.

“I am doing fine now. Thank you”, I said, my voice sounding dry to my own ears.

I feel my heart wrenching and somehow, it feels like I should cry...but, the tears just don't come. Partly because of the fear of judgement and partly because, they aren't used to being showed off to the world.

“I am glad to hear that. I was quite frightened you know”, he said with a small lingering smile on his lips.

“Your shirt is disheveled and your hair are flying everywhere. Looks like you were in a hurry, that's why, your shoe laces are undone. Last but not the least, I see a lipstick mark just under your lips. It is too obvious that you had been with a girl. So, were you so afraid that you left the hospital to get along with some random chick?”, I asked, quite boldly.

He took a step back and his eyelids drooped  down.

“I am sorry... I was too frustrated to think straight...”, he sighed.

“Who controlled the getaway car this time?”, I asked.

“I can leave it on Amyra of course”, he chuckled.

He was nervous.

Just because I made a point of his one night stands doesn't mean I haven't noticed the scrapes on his knuckles. This boy!

“I take it that you don't want me to tell dad that you are a wanted criminal now”, I started.

His golden brown eyes morphed into horror and anger at the same time. The golden in his eyes floating over the brown like stray balloons. And beneath them lay the emotions I was studying.

“About those...don't worry, I just got into a fight with my friend”, he said laughing it off like he usually does.

“A fight of fists and hands? I hope it didn't go down to something illegal”, I joked around.

“Not even half as something as illegal ”, he laughed. “Oh, now I remember. Surya bhai is getting married in the next 4 months ”, he said beaming wide.

Surya bhai was our older cousin. Infos about him are he is ridiculously tall with an height of 6 ft 2 inches and a rather sleek body, he likes pop music and has read only one book till date called the silicon valley.

I would let you all hit on him but, too bad that he is getting married.

“And so? We are going only the day before the marriage, aren't we?”, I asked the obvious.

“No, this time round, we are leaving tomorrow”, he grinned wide.

“With ‘we’ I assume it's you and Amyra?”, I asked.

“What are you? An idiot? Out of all of us, Surya bhai's mom and dad are more fond of you. They specially requested dad and mom to get you there 4 months prior.”, he grinned wider.

I sighed.

Is there no limit to one's folly?

“Marriages are boring”, I blatantly muttered.

“Thats because you don't even get along with most of our cousins. It's either their parents or relatives who remember you...not them”, he said the obvious.

“Do you take me for a fool that can't figure out the obvious within the sixteen years of my life? But my question is what benefit do you get from fooling around with people who won't even remember you after you died?”, I asked.

He just gave me a foolish smile.

“Just prepare your bags. This time is going to be different... Because its people you love”, he said coming to sit beside me.

“Do I have a choice of running away?”, I asked.

“no”, he shook his head.

“Then I don't think I have a choice”, I said and his foolish smile widened.

“This is just a random question, but do you still get nightmares sometimes?”, he asked.

Suspicious. That's the first word coming to my mind.

“Why did you come to think of that?”, I asked back, with a stern eye.

“You see...when I was so close to losing you, I had a small memory line passing behind my eyes. And one of them was a random, vivid memory, when you woke up all crying afraid of the monsters appearing in your dreams and I came running to you, doing ninja tricks to silent you and Amyra sneaked into the kitchen to get you marshmallows and we sat through the midnight, eating marshmallows and talking about power rangers.”, he said smiling fondly of the memory.

If he got that vivid memory, it was rather etched onto his sub conscious as something he considered as a special memory. There are no signs that tell that he is lying...but who knows. Adding to it the smile is not a forced one.

“Even if I get some, you don't expect me to go around crying now, do you?”, I asked.

“Amyra and I still sit through midnight eating marshmallows when either of us gets a nightmare though”, he said sitting on my study chair. “What do you do?”, he asked looking at me.

“I? Nothing much, just drink enough water and cover my ears to sleep”, I replied.

“I see”, he said, the brownness of his eyes taking over his golden orbs.

Sometimes it gets too harsh that I start to cry but at that time I bite onto my pillow to get my cries unheard. But, that's unneeded piece of news.

“It was Darshan, wasn't it? Probing you to get out some details he wanted?”, I asked and I see him gulping for air like a fish.

I knew it.

“ think that that stalker would go so far”, I said sighing out loud. “He said some so and so and you must have believed him ”, I deducted.

“It wasn't like I could defy him”, he said hanging his head low.

“You aren't a slave to him”, I said and turned around.

“Its quite strange but you guys are awfully similar”, he said before getting hit on his head with my book.

“Don't settle me on a scale with that perverted alienated scrawny brain”, I said and threw him out of mh room.

Seriously! This pressure will kill me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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