You're Stats

62 1 0

Quirk: Icarus 

Ability's: The user can sprout wings of a wax-like material

You can fly with the wings 

You feel all damage done to the wings.

You may restore you're wings by consuming wax.

Drawbacks: The wings will start to melt if the surrounding temperature is 37*C+ 

Melting will slowly occur under the sun, even if the temperature is underneath 37*C

If the surrounding temperature is too cold {-3* and below} the wings will go stiff and brittle, making them easy to break. 

Special attack/ability: Wax Twister 

The user heats up their wings and spins quickly, effectively spraying hot wax everywhere.

The wings are disabled; you may not form them again until you eat more wax. 

The user may heat up or cool their back to form the wings.

The user has special glands on their back that excrete the wax like substance.

Family Members: Unknown 

{You have a brother that dropped you off, so says the caretaker.} 

Likes: Katsudon, hunting, toys, the color green, traveling, wax, candles.

Dislikes: loud unfamiliar noises, rude people.

Age: 15

Zodiac: Pisces 

Height: 3'5

Birthday: March 12th 

You have a yellow bouncy ball with tiny white polka dots and hearts. It is your most prized possession, since it was left in the box you were born in by you're brother when you got dropped off at the Neko Adoption Center. 

You're friends:

MaeHara Mirlo:

Maehara is a 15 year old cat, who is known as Mae or MaeMae by her friends. Although she can act bratty, she is in general very nice and kind. She is a Scorpio and likes to dance, and is a thief. She has short black hair and blue purplish eyes and is the popular leader in the friend group with white  ears and a black tail. Her claws, as you may see if she draws them out, are painted red.

Kaede Adis:

Kaede is a 13 year old cat and is the middle-aged one in the friend group. He is very soft and prone to crying, which he always does. He is Pisces just like you and will sleep all day and all night if you don't wake him up. He loves to cuddle close to someone, especially when drama happens. He has cinnamon colored fur. His nails are always in, only using them to protect his friends or for a scratching pole. He has black hair and orange eyes. Despite his expressions, he is almost softer than you.

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