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Like the sunrise, wake up to live another day and shine brighter every time.

Y/n woke up in the hospital bed, her mother holding her hand and watching over her. "Morning, mom", she says weakly while giving the woman a small smile. The warm embrace of her mother makes her body ache, but she hugs back  crying from the river of emotions attacking her heart. "I'm sorry...".

"No, darling... I'm sorry for these whole years of neglecting your wishes and always underestimating you... I was the cause why you've always been this weak."

"Mom, it indeed hurt, but it is in the past now... Life goes and so will I. I want to drop out from my college and pursue my dream of being a hero. You know I've always wanted that and I know that I can do it. I can make it. "

The mother stood silently and nodded to her beloved daughter  "If that is what you wish, I too will wish it."

---------(time skip)-------------

The wound on her right side finally heals, but an ugly scar remains. Although scars are something most people feel ashamed of.. She was proud of it.. She saw it as a trophy of glory.
Even though she cannot attend any of the exams, she had been accepted to UA thanks to her heroic act that got her recommended by someone unknown. Getting more motivated, she started intensive training to strengthen her body and attempt to keep up with the training the colleagues she hadn't met yet had.


"Although you have healed, I advise you that you avoid using your quirk for a while at any cost, or else your body will take irreversible damage. You've practically almost burnt yourself alive... The fact that you are still standing here right in front of me is a miracle in itself. Through attentive examination, you can resist fire for a limited amount of time and also absorb it... But if you dont get that fire out, you will overheat and eventually burn to ashes like you almost did right now. This applies to the healing attributes your quirk has. You've used it simultaneously, which used a lot of the energy stored in your body. Be careful... Even though you can heal people, this can be dangerous for you. Your heart may give out any moment if you overuse it."

The girl listened carefully to the doctor's advice and nodded. "Yes, sir. I'll refrain myself."

"Good, girl.", the man laughed. "Come back for a check up a month later. If everything is fine, you're good to go to your courses."


(end of flashback)


Thanks to Mr. Aizawa, y/n was able to keep up with the lectures and she had been SO appreciative of the additional work he puts in. I should gift him something when I go to school... Heard he likes cats so maybe... Something cat related?

Time passed by rapidly and the days of training made their progress visible. In the medic's cabinet, she was assured to use her quirk. She imagined a flame in her hand which appeared but... It wouldn't be bigger than 5 centimeters no matter how hard she tried. "Huh.. W-why?"
The doctor took a few notes and reassured the already panicked girl. "Everything will be fine. Work on your flame everyday and pay close attention to your emotions. My hypothesis is that your quirk depends on them."
She nodded and left the cabinet and headed off to her first actual class in UA. The halls were so big, they almost felt endless but she finally reached her class... 1-A.

"BAKUGOU-SAN PLEASE GET YOUR FEET OFF THE DESK. CLASS WILL START SOON AND AS THE CLASS REPRESENTATIVE I HAVE TO MAKE SURE YOU ALL BEHAVE", yelled a blue haired boy that motioned robotically to an angrily looking blonde dude.

"OH SHUT YOUR TRAP YOU DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!", yelled the other back.

Omg is this actually my class...

A bird like looking guy with a shadow following him entered right after her. "Oh, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. You can call me Tokoyami. Your seat is in front of mine, so I'll take you there."

"T-thank you..", said y/n, the tips of her ears catching a little fire since she was flustered by his kindness. She sat at her desk, the fire showing no signs of leaving.

"Are your ears ok?-", said a red headed guy.

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"they're on fire!", exclaimed a guy with arms that looked like tape.

"WHAT?!", exclaimed the girl. The fire on her ears got much bigger and brighter, her face shining a rosy red. Panicking, she covered her ears and was almost ready to run out of class.

"Whats up with this noise? Do you want extra classes?!", said a man that barely managed to cover the whole class. He saw you and quietly erased your quirk.

This must be Aizawa-sensei... He saved me!! Thought y/n to herself almost tearing up.

"Come in front and introduce yourself. Due to health issues, your classmate couldn't attend class at the same time as you, so make sure to be nice to her."

She walks in front and tries too look confident, but her trembling hands and red face gave her away. " H-hi, I'm F/N L/N. I used to study at a medical college before coming here. If you'd like to be my friend or have some questions I will answer after class is over. Nice to meet you all!" the girl bowed deeply and almost ran to her seat to calm down her pounding heart. Why am I so anxiousss!?

(Hawks will make his appearance later in the story)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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