Waking Up

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They could feel themselves come back into consciousness, their mind unfuzzing. Their eyes cracked open, blurry in whatever liquid swirled around them.

One of the first things they noticed was how they were breathing without having actual access to air. It felt strange, not breathing through a mouth or nose.

Starting to get claustrophobic, they moved, pushing on the walls of what felt to be a bag, hoping someone outside would be there to open it.

"He's awake!" they heard from outside, muffled, before having blinding light pierce their eyes.

They brought their hand up to shield their eyes from the light, the person outside seeing that as an invite to pull them up.

Strangely, the liquid dripped straight off them, no wet patches on their fur at all.



They looked at their hands and feet, seeing paws. Tapped their head, feeling ears. Turning to look behind, viewing a tail.

They stared ahead at the stranger in front of them, confused and disorientated.

"Where am I?" the experiment asked. "What am I?"

"What's the last thing you remember?" the stranger asked back, not bothering to answer the experiments questions.

"Uhh... walking home from school," they answered after some thinking.

"Okay. . ." the person replied. "First question: me and my friends rescued you from a lab in which you were experimented on, hence the tail, fur, and ears, so you're at my house."

"Is there some way to change back into a human?" They asked him.

"As of-" he tried responding.

"Is Fundy awake?" another person bursted in.

"Fundy?" the experiment asked.

"That was your experiment name," the first guy responded. "Would you prefer to be called something else?"

"Fundy works... I guess," Fundy replied. "Who are you two?"

"I'm Nick, that's Clay," the second one answered.

Fundy nodded, remembering their names for later.

"When am I?" Fundy asked, looking at the window where the orange light of the sunset lit up the blinds.

"March 15th, 2016," Clay replied. "5:13 p.m."

"Two years... " Fundy breathed. "I've been out for two years..."

"You've woken up once before, last year, you just don't remember," Clay told Fundy.

"Why?" Fundy wondered.

"Why what?" Clay asked.

"Why me? Why this?" Fundy elaborated.

Clay just shrugged.

"I honestly don't know. Elina just needed someone to test one, and that 'someone' just happened to be you."

Fundy frowned, internally shaking his head.

"We should find you a place to sleep," Clay suggested. "Ay Kason!" he shouted down the halls.

"Yeah?" Kason yelled back.

"Got anywhere for the experiments to stay?" he asked. "Fundy's woken up."

"Fundy woke up?!" Kason exclaimed, running into the room. "Why didn't you tell me??"

"Whoops," Clay chuckled. "It's only been like, three minutes, it's fine."

Kason approached Fundy carefully, not wanting to scare him too much.

"Hello Fundy," he said calmly. "I'm Kason."

"Hello," Fundy replied nervously. "Can I get out of this strange liquid?"

"Oh, of course!" Kason exclaimed, moving out of the way. "It should come off with just the shake of your foot."

They chatted a bit more about what Fundy is, explaining all about his time in the laboratory, and more in depth about how he ended up here, George and Vincent coming into the room, Zak and Darryl arriving at some point.

"So you all have abilities?" Fundy asked the six.

"Yep," they replied.

"Do I have one?" Fundy questioned.

"I don't see why you wouldn't, as Elina created us as weapons of war, but I guess we'll see in the future, if you have one at all," Clay answered.

Fundy nodded. "So where do I sleep?"

"Do we have an extra. . .?" Clay started to Kason, getting the shake of the head in return.

"Unless he sleeps on a mattress in your room," Kason stated to Vincent and Nick.

"There's an extra room at my house," Zak said. "Me and Darryl sleep in the same room, so he can have the spare."

"I'll ask Karis," Kason said, pulling out his phone, texting her quickly.

Th waited patiently until Kason got a response, that response being a 'yes'.

"Guess you're staying at my house Fundy!" Zak told him. "Off we gooo."

He grabbed Darryl and Fundy's hands, saying a quick goodbye and leaving. Using Zak's crystal bridges, they got home swiftly, Fundy not even being able to introduce himself before Zak pushed him upstairs and into his temporary, or permanent, room.

Fundy, confused, just stood there until Zak threw some clothes at his face and shut the door.

"What???" Fundy whispered to himself, confused.

I honestly do not know what just happened, just put the clothes on and you can introduce yourself later and then sleep, a voice said in Fundy's head, him assuming it was Darryl.

Okay. . . Fundy replied telepathically.

After a few minutes Fundy stepped out of his room and Zak pulled him downstairs, putting him on the couch and pulled Karis to the living room with hi and Darryl.

"Zak what are you doing?" Karis laughed, setting in a chair.

"Might as well get to know each other now that Fundy's gonna be living here for who knows how long," Zak stated, sitting next to Fundy.

And so that's what they did for about an hour, playing games, laughing, talking, explaining, introducing, and having a good time.

"Welcome to you temporary family Fundy," Karis said.

"Can't I just go to my real family?" Fundy asked.

"In this state, not a good idea," Karis answered. "You're a fox!"

"They'd understand if I told them about it," Fundy argued.

"We just- not yet," Karis said. "Let us learn a bit more about you before you go off on your own, and maybe fix you away from this fox form."

"Okay. . ." Fundy replied softly, going up to his room to contemplate what'd just happened in the past two hours for the rest of the night.

978 words

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(p.s. This is a sequel to my previous book "I've Got Your Back" for anyone confused as to what's going on, so read that one first :])

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