Chapter 1

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Error groaned as forced his eyes open, before narrowing in confusion. He turned his head to the side and was greeted by the dull blue grass that belonged to the AU he half destroyed, Error stared at it as confusion began to pile up like stacking blocks inside him.

Did they leave him here? Seriously? Why would they do that? Something is wrong here.

Error groaned as he felt a headache come on, putting a hand on his face as he laid there for a while. He opened his eyes and jerked upwards despite his body's protests as he stared at his hand. But. . .

This wasn't his hand.

Error stared at the porcelain white hand that was attached to his body in shock as noticed the other hand was the same way. He checked his arms in a hurry and saw that they were their usual black color but they seemed to only glitch every so often and it was in a really slow manner. He sighed in relief as at least something was normal, he also noted that there were multiple layers of clothing on him that weren't his. Error moved some around and saw that while his femur was the same as his arms his tibia, fibula, and patella were porcelain white as well. He saw a (pretty convenient if you ask him) puddle over to his left, Error crawled over despite the creaking of his bones and the clothing that added more weight than Error would have liked.

Error leaned forward to look in the puddle only to jerk back in shock.





Error slowly moved back to the puddle, hoping he saw wrong.

The reflection of the puddle showed a face of a porcelain white skeleton with multicolored eyelights, the right one was yellow with the middle being purple while the left one was a deep red color with the middle being yellow. Error stared at the sharp teeth that sat in this body's mouth and the red tear-like markings that ran down their face, he couldn't help but notice that there were only two instead of three.

This isn't possible, I'm just going insane.

Now Error probably could have gone with that but when he caught sight of a familiar looking collar around his neck and the sound of someone snoring in his head he knew he was wrong. Error couldn't resist but groan and curled in himself as the headache got worse.

Dammit Sci and his stupid inventions!

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