Chapter 2

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Fell woke(?) slowly with a grunt, groggily opening his eyes. He blinked in confusion, had boss let him sleep in? Fell looked around only to be greeted by darkness.

'What the fu-'

Memories punched him in the face as Fell recalled getting blasted by one of Sci's inventions that was supposed to be for Error only, dammit Sci.

Fell jerked around trying to see where he was, the skeleton noticed that he seemed to be floating. He brought a hand to his face only for nothing to come, Fell looked down and made a sound equivalent to a dying animal.

'Where the fuck is his body?!'

It was at this time Fell noticed some pressure on what seemed to be his face but not at the same time.

'What the hell is going on here?!'

'Oh you're awake.'


Fell whipped around to where it sounded like his voice was coming from

'Where are ya, you stupid glitch?! What did you do?'

Fell heard Error sigh in annoyance which irritated Fell more.

'I didn't do anything abomination 13.'

He growled, 'you're a filthy liar!'

Fell was pretty sure that if he could see him Error would have rolled his eyes.

'Believe what you want but it's the truth.'

The skeleton snorted as he looked around.

'Whatever, where are we anyways?'

Error fell silent as he seemed to be weighing his options before coming to some conclusion.

'We're in a shared avatar.'

Fell's eyes widened in disbelief, Error seemed to sense this disbelief as he grumbled something about idiotic scientific abominations.

'I know it sounds stupid but I prove it.'

Error seemed to take Fell's silence as an answer because suddenly Fell could see.

Fell looked at the hand that sat close to his vision before said hand moved away, and suddenly he was being moved. Fell could hear the sound of clothing rustling and the soft crunching of grass as he seemed to move towards a puddle over to his left. As Fell got closer his vision took a dip as he was forced to look down, he gasped as he looked at his reflection.

No, he and Error's reflection.

'What. The. Fuck.'

'Believe me now, abomination 13?'

It honestly said a lot that Fell didn't respond to Error's comment, too many things ran through his head that he couldn't even keep up with them. Fell-and Error-sat there in silence as Fell moved a hand to cuff his-their-face as he stared, he sat there for a while before he could finally find his voice.


Error made a humming sound and Fell watched as his-their dammit!- other hand made a vague gesture on it's own like it had a mind of its own-which it did as Error was the one moving it.- 

'Oh you know, Sci's usual failed inventions seemed to have fused us together.'

'Dammit Sci.'

Error snorted as that what he said as well when he figured it out.

'Anyways it seems we're stuck together.'

'Oh hell no.'

Fell watched as their eyes narrowed to signify Error.

'Look I'm not happy about this either but we're gonna have to make due with it.'

Fell snorted, 'so I'm stuck sharing a body with you for who knows how long?'

'Yep that's pretty much it.'

'Sounds like my punishment in hell.'

Fell was surprised when he heard Error give a cut-off laugh before falling silent. Fell raised a brow and decided to change the subject 'Oi can we go now, this place sucks.'

Their body seemed to shuffle in place as a Error coughed.

'Oh yea, about that. .'

'Oh Asgore what is it now?'

Fell felt their body lift themselves up with Error's control, he didn't notice anything that could be stopping them from leaving till Error turned the body's head more upwards and he saw it.

'Holy fuck, are those-?'

'Yea. .'

Chunks of dirt, sand, or really anything floated through space around them as they seemed to be standing in the only intact piece of this AU. Which was just a floating island may he add.

'That sucks and all but I don't see why this is stopping us from leaving-'

'It isn't just this AU.'

'. .What?'

'13, you seriously don't think I stayed here right? I tried to open a portal to a more intact AU but they are all like this except they don't have a functioning place to stay like here.'

Fell felt cold 'So you're saying. .'

Their body nodded in confirmation.

'We are the only ones here.'

Their body collapsed onto their knees.

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