Chapter 8

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The Lost Boys, as the students of Weverland Boarding school called them, walked with me to first period.

Mrs. Nans waited until the bell rang and then asked me to step outside, ordering the rest of the class to continue Midsummer's Night Dream out loud with the parts she had assigned.

I walked slowly to the front of the class, I tried not to limp. I would not give Glimmer the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.

"I will be just outside this door," Mrs. Nans threatened. "Don't make my job harder by making me give you more homework."

The class continued reading, sneaking furtive glances towards the door we were walking out of.

Once we were outside of the classroom, Mrs. Nans closed the door and turned to me.

"I heard you had quite a fall yesterday," Mrs. Nans studied my face as she spoke.

"Yes, I, umm, tripped down the steps," I told her. I didn't try to look at her.

She snorted out a laugh and I looked up at her. "I have been teaching Glimmer for a long time. I'm sure you 'tripped'."

I kept my eyes on my feet, I had no idea what to say. I wasn't going to defend Glimmer after everything that had happened, but I also wasn't going to tell on her. That never lead to anything positive.

"I know this is new for you, but everyone is rooting for you. If you need help, my door is always open. I look forward to seeing you at choir rehearsal tomorrow."

I nodded. I waited to see if she was going to say anything else and when she didn't, we reentered the classroom. Glimmer glared at me, but I just sat down at my desk and organized my stuff on my desk. I noticed a small green paper frog sitting on my notebook.

I turned in my seat and found Saint. He sat with the Midsummer Night's Dream book opened upside down in his hands as he flawlessly read the part of Puc. I could barely stifle a laugh, when another student started reading their part and Saint crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out at me. I had read the play before and I had to admit that Mrs. Nans had cast the parts wisely.

The rest of my classes passed easily with no more issues with Glimmer or any of her friends, unless you counted dirty looks. I worried they would get wrinkles with the amount they glared. I learned that her three closest friends were Star, Ash and Blaze and they were all cheerleaders.

Fala sat next to me for my first two classes and then walked me over to third period math. Being in Ms. Stacey's class was like being able to take a deep breath after holding it all day. Morgan, the boy Glimmer had bumped into in the cafeteria, was here today, and for some reason he kept looking at Mika. Mika, in turn, would turn bright red every time Morgan glanced her way. I tried to concentrate on my work but the way they kept looking at each other was distracting.

When the bell rang for lunch, I packed up my stuff and headed toward the door. Morgan walked slightly behind Mika, I saw his hand brush slightly on her lower back but when he saw Fala, Talon and Hawk. He turned and walked the other direction.

Mika ran up to Hawk and threw her hands around his neck. He picked her up and twirled her around. I was envious that she had someone she felt that comfortable with.

My stomach rumbled. I was so hungry, and breakfast felt like a long time ago. Even though I was small I could eat. I didn't want to interrupt the trio, so I continued to walk in the direction of the cafeteria. I felt two bodies at my elbows and looked over to find the twins, Luck and Legend on each side of me. One of them, I didn't know which because I hadn't figured out how to tell them apart, took my backpack from my arm.

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