Chapter 12

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I rolled over in bed and pulled my blanket tight. I could smell sand and ocean all around me. I stretched my whole body, only stopping when I got to my toes. As I lay there, the memories of the beach and the Tribe came back, and I sat up straight in bed with a scream.

An arm tightened around me, and I saw other heads sit up on the floor. I turned my body, Phoenix lay beside me in my bed, back in my dorm room. I ran my hands down his arms, and up his chest. His hand covered mine. "I'm fine, Wren."

"What happened!?" I jumped out of the bed, stepping on the twins.

"Oww, Wren! Be careful."

I crawled over all the bodies on my floor and turned on my desk lamp.

"Aww, come on, Wren." One of the twins groaned and threw his arm over his eyes.

I counted the Lost Boys; they were each there and in one piece. No blood, no death, just five handsome young men who were completely whole.

The salt on my skin was itchy and it made it hard to think. I gathered up a change of clothes, towel, and my toiletries, turned on my heel and walked to the bathroom. I heard a door open quietly behind me. When I turned around, I found Saint walking behind me.

"Why are you following me?"

"Are you serious?" There was a strange look on his face, one I couldn't decipher. He looked at me like the social workers and the doctors used to look at me.

"Serious about what?" I returned and rubbed my arm. The sand clung still clung to it. I didn't feel clean. I needed to be clean.

"Wren, you've almost been killed twice since coming here," he looked at me and then turned to look down the hall. "We're going to keep an eye on you until you leave."

"Leave?" Did he know about Anne's plan?

"You can't stay here, Little Bird." Saint stood in my personal space. If anyone else did that I would have freaked out.

"I'm not, I'm going to go take a shower and go back to bed." I turned and walked into the bathroom and quickly went through my shower routine, thankful no one followed me

When I left the bathroom, Saint still stood there. "You waited for me?"

"Did you think I would leave?" He followed me back to my room, but before I could reach for the doorknob, he stopped my hand with his.

"Wren, look at me." He used his hand to lift my chin when I turned. "I won't leave you; we won't leave you. We'll continue to protect you while you're here." He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. It was a soft kiss, his lips brushed mine like butterfly wings and his breath smelled like cinnamon.

When he pulled away, I took a deep breath. Saint's kiss, although my first, was amazing and I wanted more but he grabbed the doorknob and pulled it open.

We quietly walked back into the room. I was careful not to step on the twins or Stone who still lay on the floor. Saint walked over to his own spot and crawled back into his sleeping bag. His large arm when under his head. At least they were warm.

I finished putting my dirty clothes and toiletries away and walked back to my bed carefully trying not to step on anyone again. "Phoenix I need my bed back."

Phoenix rolled over, and sleepily held up my covers.

When I just stood there, he patted the bed, "Come to bed."

I was too tired to fight. I crawled into the already occupied bed. I pulled the covers over myself and laid down on my side facing away from him. Phoenix put his arm around my waist and pulled my back into his front. One of his hands stroked my hair lovingly.

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