💙Fluff Alphabet: Choi Yeonjun💙

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A- Anniversary- What he does for your first anniversary

Take them shopping and buy them whatever they want.

B- Babies- Does he want kids? How many?

Yes. 2 kids, preferably both boys.

C- Cute- What his partner does that he finds cute

Whenever his partner wants to wear matching outfits out in public.

D- Dogs and Cats- Does he want any pets? What kind?

Yes, probably a dog.

E- Equal- What's the dynamic like? On a scale of 0-10 how dom is he?

10/10 Completely dominant, no exceptions.

F- Friends- Are you friends before you start dating?


G- Gorgeous- What aspect of a partner does he find beautiful?

Hair and lips.

H- Hands- How does he like to hold hands? When? Where?

Anywhere and any time.

I- ILY- Who says "I love you" first?

He does.

J- Jewels- What kind of jewelry does he like on a partner?

Anything sliver.

K- Kisses- How does he like to kiss? When? Where?

Kisses you all the time and it varies based on his mood. Soft and sweet when he's happy, rough and passionate when he's upset.

L- Late Nights- What does he do when a partner can't sleep?

He'd sing them to sleep.

M- Morning- How does he like to spend a Sunday morning with a partner?

Take them out to a fancy breakfast place.

N- Nickels and Dimes- Does he spoil his partner? How often?

All the time, about once or twice a week.

O- Outfit- What type of clothing does he like on a partner?

Wide leg pants with a T-shirt and blazer.

P- Parents- Do his parents like you? Do your parents like him? Do your parents like each other?

Yes, yes, yes.

Q- Question- How long are you dating before getting engaged?

3 years.

R- Rainy Day- What do you do on rainy days?

Binge movies and make food.

S- Snuggles- How does he like to cuddle with a partner?

With their head on his chest.

T- Terms of Endearment- What does he call you? What does he like to be called?

He calls you Kitten or Babygirl. You call him Love, Babe, or Oppa.

U- Unencumbered- How does he like to relax after a long day?

Going shopping.

V- Value- What does he value most in a relationship?

Physical affection.

W- Wedding Bells- How long after getting engaged do you get married?

2 years.

X- TeXting- What is your name in his phone? What's his in yours?

Your name: Kitten😍❤ His name: Babes💋💋💋

Y- Yearning- What do you guys do when you miss each other?

Calls, texts, and video chats.

Z- Zzz- How does he like to sleep? Clothes? Cuddles? Position?

Nothing, yes, facing each other.

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