Chapter 2: Paintball (part 1)

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third person pov

Courtney left her stuff by the cabins and walked over to Heather. "Im starting to regret accepting this stupid deal," Heather said rolling her eyes. "Same," Courtney, Gwen, Bridgette, and Zoey all agreed. Duncan, Alejandro, and Brick all walked past the girls without even looking at them. "Oh hey again hot stuff," Anne Maria exclaimed as she seen Alejandro.

Heather rolled her eyes and pulled the three girls away from everyone. "You okay?" Zoey asked her. "Yeah i'm great," Heather responded as she crossed her arms. Gwen and Courtney both looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Noah shouted as he ran from Sierra.

Courtney turned around and noticed Noah running from crazy Sierra. "YOU STOLE MY CODYKINS!!" Sierra shouted angrily. Noah started running even faster and Sierra would not stop chasing him. "I thinks it's because of what happened in the groupchat," Gwen said as she watched them running. "She's a crazy stalker," Courtney said rolling her eyes.

"Come on guys!" Zoey said, the two girls looked back at Zoey and smiled. They walked away to the campfire since Chris ordered them too.

20 minutes later

Everyone was gathered around the campfire waiting for Chris. "Sam, I hope we're on the same team!" Dakota said cheerfully as she hugged the gamer guy. "Me too!" Sam replied. "Shut it your weird love birds," Jo shouted annoyed. "You shut it!" Dakota shot back. Jo growled and Dakota rolled her eyes.

"Welcome back teens, as you can see we rebuilt the island, but wayyy better!" Chris announced. The teens looked around and nodded, "The cliff where we jumped off in the first season is way higher.." DJ mumbled. "That's right! There are are also a few surprises all around the island," Chris said with an evil smile. "Can we just get on with the show please?" Heather said rolling her eyes.

Chris glared at her and turned back to the camera. "37 teens, 2 teams, that means there will be 18 people in each team," Chris chuckled. He turned back to the teens and rubbed his chin as he stared at them all. "Team 1 will be.. Heather, Dawn, Brick, Dakota, Courtney, LeShawna, Trent, Gwen, Duncan, Lightening, Jo, Cameron, Geoff, Noah, Mike, B, Cody, and Izzy!" Chris said and the teens walked over to the right where Chris pointed too.

"Team 2 will be Sierra, Alejandro, Anne Maria, Zoey, Bridgette, DJ, Lindsay, Eva, Justin, Owen, Tyler, Harold, Beth, Katie, Sadie, Staci, Sam, and Scott!" Chris said and the rest of teens walked to the left. "Team 1, your name will be the Toxic Bees! Team 2 you are the Weird Rats!" Chris said laughing like crazy. "Oh my gosh your such a good name giver," Noah said rolling his eyes. Heather high five him and they laughed.

"Let's bring back some old memories, your first challenge will be paintball!" Chris said and the teens all groaned. "I suck at paintball tho!" Cameron said looking down. "Yeah well Jo better not get shot again," Heather said glaring at Jo. Jo rolled her eyes and turned back to Chris. "Everyone meet in the middle of the forest," Chris said and turned to the camera.

"We'll be right back!" He said as he grinned. The camera man gave him a thumbs up and walked away with Chris. "Cody! I know your sad we didn't end up together but it's okay!" Sierra shouted as she hugged Cody. "No actually, I'm happy," Cody replied trying to push her off. She let go and stared at Noah, "Your going to get it during the challenge!"

"No you are," Gwen said as she walked next to Noah. Noah chuckled and walked away with Gwen. Sierra growled and went back to her team. "We have to win this!" Courtney ordered. Duncan chuckled and put his arm around her, "sure thing princess." Courtney pushed him off and smacked him, "Don't touch me."

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