Akaashi the ghost 👻

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Omar walked down the hallways of the school, he glanced at the kids passing by him in the hallways. Omar let out a dramatic sigh before walking out the school. "Oh my god, Omar's on his period." The girl Ivon stated. "Bitch shut the fuck up Ivon, you're fucking ugly." Omar cursed to the girl. The girl laughed at him and he laughed along with her. They walked together towards a truck waiting for them near the school. "Is that Omar Bomar?" An annoying ass bitch named Esi said. "Oh my god, hey girl." Omar said acting rachet as fuck. "I have to fucking peee." Esi said placing her hand in between her thighs as she tried holding her pee. "Hold it in until we get there." Juan said. "I-, EXCUSE ME. The audacity of you to think I'm peeing in that fucking house." Esi hissed. "Then piss your pants." Juan said.

"Fuck you, I'll just run back to the school." Esi said running off. "Oh my gosh, she's so quirky for having to pee." Kailey said as she sat on the couch in the truck. "Damn but, once we get to that house I'm gonna get the ghosts number." Vedell said as she looked through all the equipment. "I wanna see Olivia again." The big forehead man stated. "Oh my god Anderson, shut up with Olivia!" Ivon said. "I'm back." Esi sighed coming back into the truck. "Damn you take a whole ass 10 minutes to use it." Omar rolled his eyes as he pushed up his glasses, then falling down on the couch. "Anyways, let's get going." Esi said.

The truck was closed and it began moving, it was already getting dark and they were heading towards a house that was abandoned by its owners not too long ago due to Paranormal activity. They arrived and set up a few tables outside the house that gathers their equipment. "Alright, our objectives are to see a door close by its self, witness a light flicker, and get hunted." Ivon said looking at a board. "Ooou, can't wait to smash with the ghost." Vedell said as she grabbed a crucifix and winked at the house. "Bitch this ghost is 37." Esi said.

Esi and Vedell stared at each other. "Call him Tony Lopez cause he's about to catch a case." Omar laughed. "Pffft-" Kailey laughed. Juan looked at everyone in disappointment. "Let's take this seriously yeah?" Juan said. "I'm serious, it's fine to joke around sometimes to lighten up the mood too sometimes." Kailey smiled. "I guess that makes sense." JUaN agreed. "Alright, Everyone have your equipment-" Ivon said before she was cut off. "Was The Light always on?" Esi pointed at the window showing a bedroom. "WHAT THE FUCK-" Ivon cursed. "It's fine, let's go in and check it out." Juan said walking in the house with Anderson. Kailey followed behind them as the rest were in fear.

"Come on lets go." Ivon said as she and Omar walked in. Vedell and Esi took a hold of each other's hands carrying their lantern and a crucifix to protect them. Omar took out his camera searching their surroundings as they made their way into the bedroom. "Guys I don't see any ORBS." Omar stated. Everyone sighed at Omar's annoying sentence. They entered the bedroom and looked down at the floor. "OOP- NO BITCH THATS A FUCKING SATANIC SUMMONING CIRCLE." Esi exclaimed in fear. "It's fine! Esi get your spirit book out." Ivon said reassuring Vedell and Esi.

Esi put her lantern down and took out the spirit book she had. The girl placed it in the middle of the circle and they all left the room and closed the door. "OH MY GOSH!" Omar squealed. "I see an orb!" Omar said. "So that's evidence right?" Anderson asked. "Yeah, let's go write it in our books." Ivon said. The group walked out the house together writing orbs as evidence. Esi looked through the window of the bedroom to see no writing on the book. "Nothing on the book-" Esi said before looking over at Andersons thermometer. "It's freezing temperatures in that room if we get closer to it." Anderson said. "Don't tell me it's a fucking Banshee." Omar sighed. "Possibly." Juan said. "Ivon, come use your EMF reader from outside the window." Anderson said.

Ivon walked over to the girl and the boy standing by the window and turned her EMF reader on. It starting beeping at the level 5. They all sighed knowing exactly what it's going to be. "Everyone have their crucifix?" Juan said. They all nodded. "Anderson go inside alone." Vedell said pushing the boy inside the house. "O-Okay..." Anderson stuttered. He took out his crucifix and stared at his friends outside. "I'll keep the door open." Esi reassured him. He nodded and entered walking around, just then the lights started flickering. Anderson ran back over to the entrance waiting for something to come, he took out his crucifix. "The power of Christ compels you-" Anderson said before pausing. "MY CRUCIFIX BROKE." Anderson yelled running out the house. "So we have two objectives done now, just one more." Juan said.

"Omar lets go." Ivon said as they walked in together. "It's a banshee so we should be careful." Omar said. Ivon had an EMF reader in one hand and a flashlight in the other. Omar passed by a room with an opened door and went inside out of curiosity. Just then the door shut behind him. "BITCH! IVON OPEN THE DOOR!" Omar yelled. "I'm trying!" Ivon said. Ivon looked at her left before screaming and running out of the house leaving Omar locked in. Omar turned on the light to save his flashlight from dying. "Omar!" Someone said in a sweet voice. "Bitch who the fuck was that?!" Omar exclaimed.

Omar saw an orb flying around his body calling his name out. Just then the orb transformed into a cute ass girl with pale skin and light blue hair. This bitch was naked. "WHAT THE FUCK-" Omar cursed. "I waited so long for you to be alone in this house with me! Marry me!" The orb exclaimed. "Bitch! I know I say orbs a lot but your ducking dead! I'm alive what the fuck. Now get your crusty ass doodle bob pale skin fucking saggy as 37 year old tits away from my face. Your fucking ugly, I'm out!" Omar said as he opened the door and ran. The front door then just had closed on him.

"You hoe! Are you going back to your friends, just look at me!"The orb lady said walking over to him. "BITCH OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR! THIS BITCH IS FUCKING CRAZY!" Omar yelled banging on the door as his friends tried opening the door. "Omar...." The orb called out. Omar froze for a second before recognizing the voice. "Akaashi...." Omar quietly said turning over to the orb that was once a lady. "Is it....really you?..." Omar said as his back hit the door and he slid down. "BITCH WTF IS THAT AKAASHI-" Esi cursed from behind the door. "You've been missing for months, why the fuck are you dead?!" Omar exclaimed. Akaashi the ghost sighed. "I-I'm sorry Omar....I died from a sickness..." Akaashi said as tears began falling out his eyes. A lump appeared in Omar's throat as he began to cry as well.

"You told me we'd get married! You told me we'd die old together! I cant do this without you!" Omar yelled at him. "O-Omar..." Akaashi said. Just then the door opened leaving Omar to fall back outside. "Omar....DONT LEAVE ME!" Akaashi Yelled in pain as tears kept falling down his face. "Akaashi!" Omar said trying to leave the grip of Anderson and Juan who were holding him back. "Omar... send me to the afterlife already! I'll wait for you there, so we could meet again in another life!" Akaashi smiled. "N-No! Akaashi!" Omar cried. "Please, this is my last wish... Omar..." Akaashi said. Omar stared at him then nodded and sent him to the after life with his pro ass skills. "Omar.....I love you....don't forget about me...I'll see you soon..." Akaashi said kissing Omar before disappearing. Omar fell to his knees crying silently.

His friends watched in confusion of what just happened. They pulled Omar into the truck and left for their money. 'Akaashi....in another life....we'll meet again!' Omar thought as he smiled to himself. "Hey...where's Omar..." Vedell said as she sat on the couch. They looked around the truck to see he was missing. But then, the driver yelled.

The truck was driven off the edge of a mountain leaving them terrified. 'Akaashi....I'm coming!' Omar smiled as he heard the terrifying screams of his friends. The next day, a truck filled with gross kids was found dead due to some dumb ass driving them off the cliff. 6 years later "Hey don't run too fast!" A girl with brown curly haired yelled running after her 6 year old friend with glasses. Just then he fell and looked up to see a hand reaching out to him. "Hey are you Alright?" The boy asked. He had black hair and blueberry eyes. "Y-Yeah I'm fine...do I know you from somewhere. The boy with glasses asked. "Maybe....Maybe in another life we knew each other!" The blue eyed boy smiled. "Hah! Hey what's your name!" The glasses boy asked. The boy looked at him before answering. "My name?....Oh! My name is...."

Fucking bitch killed them all 🙄🧍‍♀️✨🔪

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