Part 1; "Hiding"

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Loki's POV:

I'm in my area of the building, it's abandoned and where Y/N and I have been hiding out. I would say I'm in my room, but there isn't exactly rooms in this hideout. Suddenly I realize just how long I've been in New York. It's been almost three months since I found Y/N on that building top. I know I have to leave at some point or I'll deffinitly be found. I can't just abandon them now though, they need me. They don't go home anymore, they can't.

the other day they confided in me after a nightmare they had. They told me that they were afraid they'd lose me too. They've lost so many people recently. First their mom, then their brother. They even mentioned some old friends they had before the accident. The freinds' names being Peter, MJ, and Ned.

It may have been only a few months... but this kid, oddly enough, I care about more than anything.

I look at my watch to realize that they're almost done with school meaning I could talk to them when they get back. I then find myself thinking back to when I first saw them...


I step out of the blue cloud and onto solid ground, or well not quite ground, I'm on a building. I overlook the city, the place my brother now calls home from time to time. What does he see in this place? there's hardly anything here.

I then hear something from behind me and quickly turn around. In front of me I see a young person, they look to be around fourteen years old.

"Ah shit." I mutter to myself with a sigh and raise my staff to the child in front of me.

"Woah, calm down no need to go trigger happy with that thing." They state motioning towards my staff.

"Do not tell anyone about this." I demand to the child.

"Wasn't planning to, i want almost nothing to do with your whole..." they pause for a moment, "Ordeal, not even getting you caught."

I'm confused at first. No one in their right mind would do that. Anyone else would've gotten out their phone and called me in already. Unless this one didn't have a phone perhaps?

"Why not?" I question.

"I'm already in trouble with the cops, as if I'd go report someone else." They walk towards the edge to the fire escape. "Besides I think you got bigger fish to fry with the avengers." They then disappear down the fire escape leaving me to wonder about them. Usually I wouldn't bother with someone at all, but with this midgardian I feel almost inclined to question more about them. Especially how they're in trouble witb the cops.

I use my staff to get to the ground right before they do. "So define being in trouble with the cops?"

The jump down from the last part of the steps and are now standing in front of me. I see their eyes roll at mt question, "Don't you have better things to do?" They query.

"Not at this moment, I'm kind of just staying low." I state following the midgardian as they walk onto the sidewalk.

"Probably shouldn't be walking out into public then dumbass." They state. I then realize that I was indeed walking into the public eye on the sidewalk. They turn to face me and give a smirk. I then use my magic to make a disguise for myself. On me a black hoodie appears and a hat along with black jeans for pants. I have a pair of sunglasses in my pocket that I put on.

They look at me in shock over what I have just done, which is reasonable. "Now then, where are you going?" I question.

They sigh, "Alright follow me."

-Flashback over-

After that that's when Y/N brought me to this hideout. It's a small abandoned building they even put lights and other stuff around to make it feel more homely.

I hear a muffled noise from the entrance and look back to see Y/N already back from school. "Hey Y/N."

They walk over to me and set down their backpack before sitting on the bean bag chair next to me. "Hey Loki." They say with a sigh. They seem both mad and tired.

"What's up with you?" I question their tone.

They brush it off by saying, "It's nothing don't worry about it." Which of course never helps anything and just causes me to be more curious and a little worried.

"What happened?" I question again.

"I said it was nothing." They scoff.

"Alright fine." I put my hands up in deffense, "It's dropped i won't question any more."

"Thank you." They murmer.

We're quiet for a moment. Guess now would be a good as time as any to mention what I was thinking about earlier.

"Y/N." I start getting their attention. My tone is serious and saddened and they can tell. They look at me concerend as to what I'm about to say. I take a deep breathe, "I have to leave New York soon."

"What? Why?" They question.

"I've been here for too long, any longer and I'll be found." I explain to the fifteen year old.

"If you're leaving then I'm coming with you." They stand up and state.

"No, you have to stay here." I respond and stand up. I place my hands on their shoudlers, "I'm not putting you in anymore danger."

Tears start to form in their eyes, "No, you can't go without me!" They cry, "You're like a father to me!"

I look away so I don't have to see their tears. I know if I see them crying like this it'll only hurt more. "I'm not the kind of father you want Y/N."

"Loki please, you're the only person I have left, i don't want to go back to roaming the streets alone." They sob, "My dad isn't a dad to me, you are though."

"I'm a criminal Y/N." I say calmly, "I'll only get you into trouble."

"Then so be it." They say sternly, "Loki I'm coming with you, someone has to hold you back a bit, and I can't go back to living alone."

They reach out and grab my hand causing me to turn around and face them. I know there's no point in trying to get them to stay here when I leave.

"Alright fine, we leave tomorrow after you're done with school." I state.

They hug me tightly, "Thank you." They say sincerely. I return the hug and pat them gently on the back, "Of course Y/N."

They pull back, "But where will we go?" They question.

"we're going to Asgard, my home."

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