2. Adrianne~ II

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I watched the sun rise. It was a beautiful sight. It always had a way of splashing beautiful golden hues in the sky. It was something I couldn't get over even if I tried.

Each time it happened, I got entranced by the sight. To me it felt as if the sun had a forgotten tale to tell. As if there was more to the artistry display of the sun's color in the sky.

Some water swept past my feet on the sand, which caused my attention to shift to the water flowing past my feet. I caught my reflection in the water.

The woman staring back at me was wearing a black kirtle. Her white long locs fell above her shoulders and down her back. Her skin a brown color against her dark gown. It felt strange looking down at my reflection in the water. I could hardly recognize myself. So I brought my attention back to the sky.

Behind me, I heard soft footsteps approaching. I was certain it was Kelarie without even looking. She quietly came to stand beside me and watched the sun rise.

"I prefer sunset, it's more beautiful," she said in a dreamy tone. She wore a beautiful smile, along with a dark green gown.

I smiled at her.

"I was wondering where you had gone this early and then I thought of coming here," Kelarie explained.

I didn't say a word, I just looked beyond us. The sea was vast and I could see no end to it. It just went on and on.

"My friends and I will be practicing archery today. We do it for fun though but it comes in handy. Care to join us?" She asked with expectant raised brows.

"I... I'm not sure if archery is my thing..." I trailed.

She threw me an unbelievable look. "Hay I literally found you in body armor. That only means two things; you are a warrior or you stole a warrior's armor and ruined it."

Deep down I knew there was truth to her theory. "Let's say I'm a warrior, what if I'm just a sword fighter and not an archer?" I asked

"I believe all warriors learn how to use every weapon before they specialize in one. You have no excuses left, are you coming or not?" She questioned.

"It-it's still so early. W-we haven't even done any chores or-or made breakfast," I tried to argue as I stuttered.

"I never said we were going now. It's not until later in the day."

She locked her gaze with mine as she waited for my reply. "Well?"

I rolled my eyes in submission and finally gave in. "Fine I'll come with you."

She screamed in excitement and hugged me in the process.

I wonder why she's so excited.

By noon, we were already out of the house

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By noon, we were already out of the house. She excitedly pulled me through the streets of Adrianne. There were wooden houses just like Mr Ophron's lining the street. Each house was at least a meter or two apart, with mini gardens or trees before it.

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