MHA - Daisy

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Name: Daisy Nekoma

Age: *whatever age*

Hero Name: Rapunzel

Quirk: Hair Extension

Quirk Description: Daisy can extend her hair out, much like Best Jeanest with his fibers. She can use her hair to wrap around things and move them, or hold them. Her hair can only extend out about 150 yards or so. The more hair she uses, the heavier things she can lift. For example, she would need to use a lot of her hair to lift a car, but maybe a small bundle to lift a person. She also goes to the gym quite a bit to train her hair, using them to lift weights. She practices with her hair a lot, generally using it to do daily tasks to continue training, but she doesn't forget to train her physical body, don't worry.

Quirk Drawbacks: If she holds heavy items for too long, her hair will start to break and will take time to grow back and train to it's original strength again. If she isn't careful, her hair can take too much damage when used as defense and break. She has to use certain products for her hair to keep it strong and healthy. If she doesn't take good and proper care of her hair, it will take more damage more easily and be a bit weaker.

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Red

Personality: Daisy has quite an attitude on her. Hers could rival Bakuguo's if you think about it. The only difference is she is confident but not cocky. She knows her limits and she knows there are people who are stronger than her. She won't talk shit until she is proven victorious against the opponent, and even then, she knows they will be stronger the next time they fight. She is very sarcastic and is very blunt. She can be cold, too. It's nothing personal, she just never saw the logic in making buddy-buddy with people. She can make acquaintances and maybe friends, but it's solely for the sake of having allies and resources when she needs them, nothing for her own personal being.

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