Chapter Twelve

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Hope is doing Marisol's hair in the middle of the room.

"I don't know about anyone else here, but I feel like going all out tonight. You girls should do the same." Hope had a warm smile on her face. You're really not the type to dress up and go all out. You're usually the observer in the background. Also you didn't manage a nap which means your head is so swimmy with everything that's going on, and you're tired.

"I was thinking I'd chill." Alecto said, fiddling with the end of her braid.

"Really? That's so unlike you. Tonight's a big night, babes! This is your first evening in your new couples. Now's the time to put in the effort. And I want Noah's jaw to hit the floor when he sees me." Hope explained.

Alecto had a look through her wardrobe, picking something at random and disappearing behind a screen. She sorted out her hair once she reappeared, leaning on the dressing table with one hand while releasing her hair from the tight braid with the other. Her natural waves were even more pronounced as a result, meaning she wouldn't require much extra styling. She watched herself carefully in the mirror, trying to capture a thought or something to prevent everything from feeling so out of control. It didn't feel real, and she was having a hard time believing it was, never mind the recent mess she had to deal with. You can't continue overthinking everything, you'll eventually snap at the pressure of it.

Priya does a little flourish as she finishes applying her makeup.

"Not gonna lie... I really love this look." Priya grinned.

"You could steal a thousand hearts looking like that!" Marisol said. Alecto looked up and caught Marisol's eye in the mirror, unaware how she had moved that quickly. She looked away, messing with her bracelet to shift some nervous energy.

"As if that's not your intention." Lottie snapped. Not this, again.

Priya shoots Lottie a pointed look.

"You got something to say, Lottie?" Priya said.

"I already said it, babe." Lottie continues applying her makeup. The atmosphere in the room turns noticeably frosty. Oh no. There's going to be another argument, again.

"No, not this time. You don't get to insult me and walk off again." Priya snapped back. Alecto messed with her bracelet again, clutching it so tight that it left a mark in her palm. She kept facing the mirror, biting her lip.

"Guys..." Marisol tried to smooth things over.

Lottie quickly puts down her eyeliner and stands up.

"Walk off? Since when do I do that? I've always been open about what I think of you." Lottie replied, her words having a definite bite.

"And I usually ignore it, but not this time. You've been making snide, childish comments about me all day." Priya replied, looking upset.

"Childish? I'm 24, babe." Lottie snapped. It's true. She's using any excuse she can to lash out at Priya.

"Then act like it!" Priya snapped back. This might backfire on you, but maybe try to calm this a bit?

"You both need to calm down. We're only four days in." Alecto said, her voice slightly softer than usual. The argument was majorly starting to grate on her, she was trying her hardest to not get lost in past memories, but this entire situation was bringing her straight back to Andromeda and that mess. It felt like she was fourteen again and the last ten years hadn't happened.

"Yeah, let's all just simmer down." Hope joined in, echoing the sentiment.

"I'm sorry, what? Have we all just skipped over the fact she swooped in and stole Gary from Alecto? It happened last night!" Lottie said. Please don't pull you into this. Please don't. She tapped her hand on the dressing table nervously, usually repetitive noise irritated her but she could ignore it this once. She kept her back to the argument, hoping she wouldn't get pulled into it.

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