Chapter Fourteen

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"...So that's why I think my hands are so good, basically. Good symmetry either side of the middle finger, immaculate cuticles...and no conspicuous scars despite how much time I spend around hot ovens. I should become a hand model." Bobby explained. How did we get on to this, again? You have no idea, you lost complete track of the conversation a while ago.

"Henrik should become a hand model..." Priya replied, a flirty expression on her face.

"Huh? Why? Does he have nice hands too?" Bobby asked, looking confused.

"I don't know. I haven't seen them. But he's just kind of perfect in general. What about you, Alecto? Would you choose Henrik, or Rocco?" Priya asked. Neither. Lucas on the other hand, you'd choose him any day. Be careful you don't fall too fast though, protect your heart for goodness sake.

Alecto heard Priya snap her fingers and she jumped, pulling herself out of her thoughts and into the present again. Her cheeks were flushed, the mere thought of Lucas made her blush.

"Lucas is a bit of me, for sure." She replied, her voice was slightly slower than usual and had a dream like quality to it, her voice far away and warm at once.

She fiddled with her hair, curling it around her finger. Crush mode has definitely been activated. Uh oh, you do tend to become even more of a mess when that happens.

"Well, you can have him." Priya grinned at her.

"Hey, there are other guys in the Villa too, you know." Bobby sounded slightly hurt. Maybe having this conversation around him wasn't the best idea. You dislike messing with people's heads.

"Are there? Like who?" Priya put on an expression of disbelief.

Bobby was silent for a moment.

"Where did the two new guys get to, anyway?" He asked. He does have a point. Maybe they needed a bit of quiet time from all the madness? You know you  need that quite often yourself.

"Yeah, they seem to have vanished off somewhere." Priya looked disgruntled at that.

"Intriguing." Bobby didn't say anything else, keeping it short and sweet. He's not usually that quiet. Hmm. Maybe having new guys has messed with his head?

"Guys, I got a text!" Priya called out.

"Ah, right on time. What does it say?" Lottie asked.

"Islanders, new boys Lucas and Henrik have each chosen three girls to take on dates. The first girls chosen are..." Priya read out.

Hope's phone beeps.

"Oh my gosh, it's me! I'm going for a drink with Lucas!" She looked ecstatic. Good for her! Maybe Lucas will pick you for one of the other dates then. Hopefully.

And then so does Alecto's.

"Alecto, you're going on a date with Henrik." She read out. Wow, Henrik's also interested in you! That's a surprise.

"Yes! Let's go get ready." Hope linked arms with her and they went to the dressing room.

She's just putting the finishing touches to her makeup when Rocco walks in.

"Alright? I heard you're off for a date with that Henrik bloke." He said.

"Yeah, that's right." She said, watching him carefully. With his reaction earlier at the appearance of the new boys, she was a little wary of him.

"How do you feel about it?" He asked.

"It's nice to be asked." She said. You may prefer Lucas, but that doesn't mean you'll be rude to Henrik. That's not how you function.

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