Part Eight: The Roof

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Heinrich drags Ellis's body out of the room as I pick at my nails.

"This is Hans Gruber. I assume you realize the futility of direct action against me. We have no wish for further loss of life." Hans tells the police captain through the radio.

"What do you wish for Mister Gruber?" The captain asks.

"I have comrades in arms around the world who are languishing in prison. The American State Department enjoys rattling its saber to its own ends... now it can rattle it for me." Hans tells them.

"The following people are to be released from their captors: In Northern Ireland, the seven members of the New Provo Front. In Canada, the five imprisoned leaders of Liberte de Quebec..." Hans announces and I become confused.

"in Sri Lanka, the nine members of the Asian Dawn movement..." Hans continues.

"Asian Dawn Movement?" Karl mouths.

"I read about them in Time magazine," Hans says after letting go of the talk button.

I laugh, finally realizing his genius.

"When these Revolutionary Brothers and Sisters are Free, the hostages in this building will be taken to the roof and they will accompany us in helicopters to the Los Angeles International Airport where you will be given further instructions. You have two hours to comply." Hans tells the captain.

"Two hours? Are you insane? I can't authorize...hello? Hello?" The captain says as Hans puts the radio down.

"Those idiots will spend hours trying to find them," I say as I laugh. "Exactly," Hans says as he smiles.

Hans then switches to another Channel and begins to talk.

"Theo. Are we on schedule?" Hans asks. "One more to go and then it's up to you," Theo says. "And you better be right because this one is going to take a miracle," Theo tells him.

"It's Christmas, Theo, it's the time of miracles. So be of good cheer and call me when you hit the last lock." Hans tells him.

"Okay, I need to go to the roof to get a better look at how many cops were dealing with and if the FBI is here yet," Hans says as he grabs my hand and takes me with him.

"I'm also going to check the explosives. In the meantime, continue searching the floors under us and hunt that little shit down." Hans says and they all nod and run out of the room.

We quickly run towards the elevator and get in. It takes us up to the roof and as soon as the doors open, the chilly December air hits me.

Hans blazer deflected some of the wind as It clung to my arms. "Come on, darling." He says as he moves me down a small set of stairs.

The only sound that could be heard was the wind blowing and the clicking of my heels as we walked.

We were right under the helipad where he wanted to set the detonators.

"The opening is only big enough for one person. Stay on this side and keep watch." Hans tells me before crawling through an opening. I nod my head and keep an eye out for John.

It was five minutes before I heard him yell.

"Ahhh. Oh god. You're one of them. Please! Please don't kill me. Please." I hear Hans pleading and I panic. "Hey calm down. Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you." I hear John say as I hear Hans whimpering. "You're one of those people that took us, hostage," Hans says in an impressive American accent. "No, I escaped before they could take me," John says.

I reached into my pocket for my gun but remembered that I set it on the desk. "Shit, Shit, Shit." I mouthed as I reached for a gun.

That's when I finally see it. Hans set his gun down before going through the opening.

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