Part Ten: 20%

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We all huddle around the computer as If it were a warm fire. Nobody makes a sound as we watch the worker go down into the manhole from the computer.

We suddenly see the lights go off as the computer stays on. The hum of the generator kicks on and we're left with emergency lights. We all take in a breath, holding it as we look at the vault.


"Fuck." I say as we all let out the breath we were holding.

"Dammit! It didn't go!" Kristoff says as he throws his hands up. "They're on the building circuit. It's too local." Theo tells us.

"Encourage them to be bolder," Hans instructs. "The only thing left for them is the city grid," Theo says as he quickly types.

"They may not go for it. Let's hope for that Christmas miracle you were talking about Hans." Theo says as he continues to quickly type.

Before we know what's happening, the lights go out again. "They went for it." I hear Hans say in the darkness.

The emergency lights suddenly come on and we hear the alarm blaring. "FIBER OPTIC TIME LOCK DEACTIVATED AT SOURCE. SEVENTH LOCK DISENGAGED." The system announces.

As we hear a hum, the vault door opens all the way.

With a big clunk, the wall comes to a halt and we see everything in the vault.

"Merry Christmas." Theo and I say in unison as everybody cheers.

Theo, Kristoff, and Karl give each other high fives as we all cheer. Hans dips me backward and gives me a long kiss as everybody continues to celebrate.

"Fuck, I love you," He says as we both smile.

He then goes to Theo and slaps his back with a smile on his face. He looked like a proud dad as he beamed over Theo's work.

We all step into the vault as we all grab the racks and racks of bonds. Theo makes a happy wheezing noise as he sifts through a stack of bonds.

Hans laughs and smiles as he sees us all so happy. Kristoff and Theo then begin unloading all of the bonds into the black cases as Hans picks up the radio.

"This is Hans," Hans says into the radio.

"This is Agent Johnson of the FBI. The State Department has arranged for the release of your comrades. The helicopters you requested are on the way." The agent responds to Hans.

"I hear you FBI, well be ready," Hans tells him as he lets go of the talk button. He turns back around and smiles at the irony.

"When they touch down, well blow the roof. They'll spend a month sifting through the rubble. And by the time they figure out what went wrong. We'll be sitting on a beach, earning 20%...." He tells me as I smile.

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