Who Will Win if Bakugo From My Hero Academia Were to Fight Fair Tail's Juvia?

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In the world of Shonen anime, magic has played a crucial role. However, the creators have always stuck with traditional water, fire, wind, lightning, and earth elements. These elements have been common throughout various well-known anime of the last two decades. Naruto, My Hero Academia, Fairy Tail, etc., all use them for their world-building. Bakugo from My Hero Academia has an explosive Quirk that he can use to set anything on fire.

On the other hand, Juvia Lockser from Fairy Tale is a strong water wizard who seems to be a good challenge for Bakugo. Fire vs. Water feud in fiction has been around for a long time. If Juvia and Bakugo were to fight it out against each other, it would undoubtedly be one hell of a fight. But the idea of a battle between these two raises another interesting question, who would emerge victoriously?

Katsuki Bakugo

Katsuki is lucky since his parents had Quirks that complemented each other. His father can generate explosions and sparks while his mother sweats nitroglycerin. When Bakugo got his Quirk, he realized that his powers were a combination of his parent's Quirk. So, he can not only set off powerful detonations, but he also has the fuel that can be used for massive explosions. In a long, intense fight, it became more challenging for the enemy to defeat Bakugo since the constant sweat fueled his Quirk. Moreover, his explosive power was also complemented by his stubborn, never-give-up attitude. He kept on fighting until he would lose consciousness that made him very dangerous for his adversaries.

He is also very ambitious, and ever since he saw All Might help people, he wanted to become better than the number one hero. All Might was his idol, but that didn't make him give up the dream of surpassing him. His determination and grit are inspiring and sometimes frightening as well. Some viewers make the mistake of underestimating Bakugo just because he is reckless in his fights. He is an insightful fighter who is aware of his adversaries' weaknesses and knows how to exploit them. The only thing that probably comes in his pursuit of becoming the greatest hero is his recklessness. Except for that, Bakugo is a well-trained and confident warrior who should never be taken lightly in a fight,

Juvia Lockser

Juvia Lockser uses water in innovative and mind-bending ways to have the edge over his adversary in a fight. Even her body is composed of cohesive water, which means that most physical attacks are of no use against her. They will pass right through her without causing any damage. The only way one can injure her in a fight is by using magical attacks. Even then, the magical attacks should be very powerful so that they can knock her out. She has some very frightening aquatic techniques, such as Water Slicer, that can cut through the solid stone for offense. Water Cane can be used for long-range attacks, while Water Jigsaw allows very useful in a close-range fight.

So, Juvia has a ton of innovative and effective offense and defense techniques, which gives her an edge over her adversaries in one-on-one combat. She is relatively calm and composed when she is fighting; that is something Bakugo can learn from her.

Who Would Win?

Both Juvia and Bakugo are well-trained fighters who know what to do when they are under pressure. They will, therefore, have a very close fight. Water might be used to douse the fire, but Bakugo won't worry about that. Juvia will soon find out that Bakugo is not the type of fighter to take a step back. She will start with her usual techniques, such as Water Nebula and Water Slice, which will be easily countered by Bakugo using explosions. Bakugo will try to push on the backfoot by frequently attacking with his explosive Quirk, in which case Juvia will have to use water barriers for defense. But as Bakugo gets more and more into the fight, his explosions will get tougher to tolerate, and Juvia will be forced to either attack or get blown away.

Juvia will ultimately be forced to use her magical powers, which will immediately put Bakugo at a disadvantage. She can use Water Lock to trap Bakugo, while constant water use will wash away the sweat he uses for the explosion. Juvia, at this point, will easily defeat Bakugo using all different techniques. Since Bakugo is trapped by the Water Lock technique and can no longer use his sweat for the explosion, he will be defenseless.

Source:- https://evaluation.askmesafe.com/blog/who-will-win-if-bakugo-from-my-hero-academia-were-to-fight-fair-tails-juvia

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