Coming Home [@CelesteABrook]

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Coming HomeAn Adult Romance + Wattpad Paid Storyby CelesteABrook

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Coming Home
An Adult Romance + Wattpad Paid Story
by CelesteABrook

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"I want to look at him and feel nothing. I want to look at him and not feel this affected. I want to hear his voice and not feel like we still have some hope.
Because we don't."

Allow yourself to fall headfirst into the emotional orchestration that is this bold, sexy, brilliantly written Romance! Coming Home is Celeste's first paid story, and is the perfect late-night binge that not only sets your heart on fire with the strength and stubbornness of Matt and Jen's love but also has some strong reminders to take away. With a strong female lead, a sizzling romance, and a man with a heart of gold, this story does not disappoint!

Returning home to help organize her grandmother's upcoming 70th birthday party, nothing could have prepared Jennifer Bloom for the charged reunion with her old flame, Matthew Hunt. They thought ten years apart would make their feelings go away, but, when they meet again, they realize love was never the issue. The problem was everything in between. They've got a lot to work through, and plenty to learn, but maybe, just maybe, they'll find that together they can get through the in between.

The strength and determination that Jen embodies and the push and pull of the alluring romance between her and Mat will have you on the edge of your seat while your heart does funny things and your expression shifts with each turn of the page. I absolutely loved this story and seeing Celeste's gift at work, and highly recommend this to anyone with some Wattpad coins to spend.

Treat yourself this week, and indulge in this story that proves you don't have to give up everything for that Happily Ever After.


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