Will we stay friends?

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What am I seeing
Is this another life or my future
Why does it seem so real
How am I supposed to feel?

I'm so confused as to how I got there
And the steps that lead up to it
I'm scared because of how damaged it'll make me
And how much it'll hurt when you leave me

I don't want that for us
Because I would like you to be around forever
If it did happen and we went our separate way
Then I'd miss the old days and wished friends was what we stayed.

The highs and lows aren't what I want to know
Maybe we can just call it a friendship
And say that's what friends do
Because I'm now realizing that I really don't want to loose you 

You probably only think of me as a friend
And for the longest I wish I could say the same
But the more we press on
That future will be all we'll know

Part of me wants it
To hold you and share the same space
But part of me knows
That things will never be the same
I don't think I'm ready for that change

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