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Is it dangerous to be around you
Alone together in the same room
The tensions high and my fingers buzz
My lungs burn and my hearts numb
I want to say something
Anything to say how I feel
But it's to dangerous to say aloud
When there's people around
How do I get over myself
And realize that this'll never happen
But when we meet eyes and quickly look away
I begin to think you feel it the same
We've been down this road before
But the roads got two lanes now
And somehow were in the same one
Heading towards each other at full speed
And I know I'll crash when I realize that I still love you

I sit there and pretend not to stare
Not to notice every detail
From the veins in your hand to texture of your hair
And I realize that I've fallen again
And last time it killed me to the end
I think it best if I stay away
Keep in my own space and drown in tasks
So Im not still doing
The same things that killed me in the past
But when I'm around you
The feeling returns and it feels like I'm on a high
Hyped up on the rush I get by just being around you
To say I didn't miss it would be a lie

What scares me is that I know I'll slip
Say or do something that'll be so wrong
Something that I've been meaning to say all along
So when that time comes
Please forgive me I'm just stuck in my head
And I just can't keep holding on to how I feel
Because I rather you hate me
Then live a life pretending to be happy

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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