Happy Table Camper

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Dreamy was on admin table.

It was her responsibility as crewmate to do so: monitor everyone's positions, whether on a ship, the headquarters, or a planet. But today it was the Skeld.

Of course, with the short staffing she had to do a couple of tasks first, but the green-suited crewmate completed them fast. She had a job to do, after all. And compared to the other ships she worked on with short staffings, this ship didn't require her to do much before she can return to being a Happy Table Camper.

So she ran back to Admin.

Dreamy proclaimed herself the "Happy Table Camper" both because of her job and because she loves the discussions in Cafeteria. She also enjoyed watching the little yellow icons scattered throughout the rooms.

Which is exactly what she was doing now.

1 in Reactor, 1 in Storage, 2 in Nav, 1 in Comms, 1 in Security, 1 in Admin, 1 in Lower Engine, and 1 in Electrical.

'Hm...maybe the one in Nav will kill the other...'

The one in Lower Engine went to Security to join the other one, and the one in Storage went to Electrical. At least that's what Dreamy could assume.

One of the yellow icons blinked in Electrical, and a yellow icon left Electrical and shows up in Medbay.

'Hah! I caught them!' the green crewmate thought, leaving the Admin Table and running to Cafeteria, towards Medbay.

And who does Dreamy pass, coming through the left door of Cafeteria?


'Red sus' she thought, chuckling a bit to herself.

Of course, dark green wouldn't call an emergency meeting over this.

She'd have to find the body.

And then...

The lights went out.

Not like she was going to call a meeting anyway. Now that she thought about it, Rufus was leading everyone to the body. She'd just have to fix lights first.

Taking out her flashlight and turning it on temporarily, Dreamy went down through Storage and into Electrical, her flower crown bouncing on top of her suit as she did so.

As she entered the room, the lights went back on. Dreamy stood in the hallway just outside Electrical, facing towards Storage. She debated for a few moments on whether to go back to the admin table and do her job or report the body right now.

'But that's why I'm here' the green crewmate thought.

So she ran deeper into Electrical.

Dreamy was met by a surprise.

Black and Lime were standing over Purple and Red's dead bodies.

She gasped, absolutely horrified by the sight of both Venus and Astra standing by the murdered bodies.

She could faintly hear Venus muttering, "This is how I die." as she walked in.

"WAIT IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!" Astra called out.

But Dreamy clicked the "Report" button on her tablet and took off down the hall.

"THERE HAS BEEN A MURDER!!" she exclaimed as Black gave chase.

"LET ME EXPLAIN!" the suspicious "crewmate" answered.

"BACK OFF YOU- YOU BACKSTABBING MURDERER!" Dreamy retorted, sliding into Cafeteria and taking her seat at the discussion table.

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