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Chapter 2: The Rules.

Yes, we know none of us likes to follow rules and regulations, but to continue our community smoothly and effectively, we need you guys to follow our rules

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Yes, we know none of us likes to follow rules and regulations, but to continue our community smoothly and effectively, we need you guys to follow our rules. 

The Requirements and Rules:

1. Must have Discord: As we are a server community in Discord and Wattpad, Discord is the place where we do every important thing. So you must have Discord and join this server. You can find the link in our bio. 

2. Give the community account a permanent follow  TheVilleCommunity .

3. Follow the Founders: Noharmione, SM_books_ and thegreathermione.

4. Don't be rude to anyone. Because we are gentle people who should love and respect each and every person in this wide world. 

5. Promote us (Optional). We would be very grateful to you if you help us promote our community. Give us a shout out on your profile and invite your friends to this amazing and friendly server! 

6. Please be patient with us. If your question doesn't get answered immediately, pls be patient and bear with us. The Founders and the Admins also have a life to live outside this virtual world. 

7. The Password for all job applications is SummerLover

8. Don't leave us without informing. If you want or need to leave, go to the leave channel or inform any of the admins before you leave, so we can take the necessary actions. 

9. And IMPORTANT. U MUST BE ABLE TO SURVIVE SARCASM. The founder, Hermione, tells everyone, 'Never ever take my words seriously, or you will be in Sirius (she always quotes Harry Potter, a big fan) trouble!'. 

10. And last, but not the least. Please follow the rules, don't break them. 

In The next chapter, we will discuss the awesome jobs that we offer to our lovely people. 

And again, if you have any doubts, please comment below and wait for an answer. 

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