Chapter 3: A Pokemon!

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 Soon Pikachu heard crying and Umbreon yelling for Slvyeon. Pikachu ripped off the blindfold. He looked around. He heard Eevee crying too. 

He knew how sensitive Eevee was. He ran to see what happened. What he saw made him feel pity for the poor Pokemon. It was crying. Pikachu thought. Hard. Flareon!!! He suddenly thought. Flareon started to cry. The poor Pokémon. 

Sylveon yelled for friend Kirlia. Kirlia came over as soon as she could. "Vaporeon!" Sylveon called. "Put your hand on Flareon!" Vaporeon did as she was told and put her hands on him-her. Smoke came up where Vaporeon had put her hand-or is it paw? Never mind. "AHHHHHHHH!!!" Vaporeon screamed. 

"It burns!" Vaporeon said, "And I'm a water type!" "Calm down Vappy!" "It burns!" "CALM DOWN!" "AHH!" "It has a fever." Kirlia said.

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