Cora Amerika

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Cora Amerika?!? But that's the United Amarikas leader's daughter! She doesn't look like the pictures. Shes ripped, has turquoise stripes in her hair, has a little slip in her left eyebrow, wearing a sports bra, sneakers, and sweatpants. I must admit she looks, god. But not the princess-like figure she is portrayed as in the media. But I guess this is also her. It still doesn't make sense, she cant be my soulmate. I don't like girls. And the test was cute clear that I was getting a romantic partner and not a roommate. Then I notice that she still has her hand out. "Oh, sorry," I say as I shake her hand, it's surprisingly rough. Her face is featuring a half-smile and this strange expression in her eyes. "I now I came to a little early, sorry. But I didn't want my family to have a big send-off, so I left early. Arent, you first suppose to be here at three a clock?" She looks slightly confused, welcome to the club. "It's 15:33. But you cant be my soulmate. You're a girl and the Amerikan Uinins leader's daughter!" She shrugs "I know heterosexual cupels are more comen but, the test doesn't care what you think you are. It finds your soulmate. If you didn't like girls we wouldn't be soulmates. Besides didn't you read who I was?" I think it is curiosity in her face but I'm not sure. "I only got this address, a time and date nothing more." "Huh," She exclaims quietly. "Oh well, it was probably for security reasons. The press doesn't know who you are jet. That's probably for the best. I really want to talk more with you. But please let me take a bath first, I'm a bit sweaty." I nod. "Of cores"

Does she know how beautiful she is? She looks like an angel. I have seen pictures in the file I was given about her, but this was different. Her short blond hair, the crystal eyes, her perfect mouth, and her little nose. Her voice determined jet fragile. I feel for her though. This must be hard, not knowing you liked women. And then getting me as your soulmate, I'm not the easiest soulmate to have. I reach the master bedroom, the rest of her stuff is here, including a medium-sized painting, of the back of a house and a garden. It's beautiful. Did she paint that? I thought she studied economics, not art. The house is a bright white, the garden is just a green lawn whit a cupel of bushes and a tree. It's a painfully normal setting, but it's so beautiful, maybe it's the lighting. I have to pull myself out of a trance. I need a shower.

I go directly to the walk-in closet. I hurry, not wanting her to wait. When I enter the bedroom she is sitting on the windowsill, reading a book. The light reflects on her glasses and she looks extremely at ease. Her light blue almost white dress looks perfect this way. She turns a page a briefly looks up and notices me. "Would you like some coffee or tea?" I ask, "What kind of tea do you have?" I smile "I have no clue, I am a coffee person." I get student for a second by her smile. I swear that smile could light up the world. "Then I will have to look." And with that, she closes the book and walks past me out the door and down the stairs. I follow her like a little poppy. "Do you like the house?" I ask curiously. "I like it, but I don't know if it's really... me. If you know what I mean." This girl seriously doesn't think she likes girls. Sadness ensues. But this is my job as her soulmate, I guess. She begins to open random cupboards "Do you need help?" "No, thank you." I start boiling water. "I contacted The Test Center. I know that you do not believe me but, you just can not be my soulmate." It hurts to hear her say it, but I know that she needs to get confirmation. She looks at me, and her eyes apologize. "That's okay, I get it. But until you get your answers, I want to get to know you. What kind of music do you like?" She smiles again, which gives me butterflies. "Do you want the log or the short answer?" "Long," I say whit no hesitation. "Well, I like soft pop, and some indie pop for when I am working. I like most pop, but I can't stand rap. I like most songs I know the lyrics to. I could go for some 1980'es pop. But that's about it. What about you?" I smile. "I could do pop, but I'm more of a Hip Hop kinda gal. Favorite book genre?" I quickly ask. "Romance fantasy. You?" "I don't read for fun very often, but when I do it's mostly Sciens fiktion or biography. Favorite color and food." "Yellow and anything sweet." "Light blue and Thai. Best movie and book of all time." "Red Qween by Viktoria Avard and Greta Gerwig's version of Littel women." "The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and A New Hope by George Lukas. Favorite tea" We went on whit this for that felt like minutes. But somehow we ended up talking until darkness fell.

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